Rural extension services have changed paradigm and shifted to more participatory approaches, whereas in common mathematical models of farming systems, farmers’ motivation is solely represented by ‘utility maximisation’. While globally, farmers specialise, in Vietnam the rice-based systems have di...
Bosma, R.H.
[Using fuzzy logic models to reveal farmers motives to integrate livestock, fish, and crops.]
Using fuzzy logic models to reveal farmers motives to integrate livestock, fish, and crops.
Les trypanosomes animales représentent une des contraintes pathologiques majeures de l'élevage dans les zones sub-humides d'Afrique. L'objectif du travail présenté ici est d'identifier les facteurs permettant de prévoir la distribution et l'abondance de deux espèces de tsé-tsé (Glossina palpalis ...
La Racque, S. de. S.
[Identification des Facteurs discriminants majeurs de la presence des glossines dans une zone agro-pastorale du Burkina Faso. Interet pour la prevision du risque trypanosomien.]
Identification des Facteurs discriminants majeurs de la presence des glossines dans une zone agro-pastorale du Burkina Faso. Interet pour la prevision du risque trypanosomien.
Traoré, M.
[Etude de la productivite du betail N'dama eleve en ranching et dans les troupeaux traditionnels du cercle de yanfolila (Mali) perspectives D'amelioration.]
Etude de la productivite du betail N'dama eleve en ranching et dans les troupeaux traditionnels du cercle de yanfolila (Mali) perspectives D'amelioration.
This study was designed to investigate the adoption of improved food legume technologies and welfare impacts of improved food legume varieties specifically on income, consumption expenditure and calorie intake in Bale highlands of Ethiopia. The study focused particularly on the identification of ...
Degefu, Z.
[Adoption and welfare impact of improved food legume technologies in Bale Highlands of Ethiopia: Intra and inter-household empirical analysis]
Adoption and welfare impact of improved food legume technologies in Bale Highlands of Ethiopia: Intra and inter-household empirical analysis
Leenstra, M.
[Trapping tsetse together an institutional analysis of community-based tsetse control:the case of the kathekani Mbung'u project.]
Trapping tsetse together an institutional analysis of community-based tsetse control:the case of the kathekani Mbung'u project.
Irvin, S.A
[An assessment of the demand for forages by smallholder farmers in Wolayta soddo, Ethiopia, and the constraints to their adoption.]
An assessment of the demand for forages by smallholder farmers in Wolayta soddo, Ethiopia, and the constraints to their adoption.
Smeding, T.
[Financial analysis of theileriosis in cattle and an estimate for the market for a vaccine.]
Financial analysis of theileriosis in cattle and an estimate for the market for a vaccine.
Zabady, M.K.E.E.
[Studies on some Lamb affections in Camels (Camelus dromedarius).]
Studies on some Lamb affections in Camels (Camelus dromedarius).
Ogore, P.B.
[Genetic and environmental variation in infestations with ticks and infections with gastrointestinal nematodes of sheep in semi-arid and semi-humid zones of Kenya.]
Genetic and environmental variation in infestations with ticks and infections with gastrointestinal nematodes of sheep in semi-arid and semi-humid zones of Kenya.
Aswani, O.B.
[Genetic diversity and relationships of African sheep: A Y chromosome perspective.]
Genetic diversity and relationships of African sheep: A Y chromosome perspective.