Major weeds affecting bean crops and their control are examined. The following aspects are also included: (1) classification of weeds; (2) problems caused regarding production; (3) effect of competition; (4) agro-economic aspects and relationship with other cultural practices; (5) weed control me...
Fuentes de Piedrahíta, Cilia L.
[Manejo y control de las malezas en el cultivo del frijol]
Manejo y control de las malezas en el cultivo del frijol
The methodology used and the results obtained are discussed for an investigation conducted at CIAT on agronomic factors of maize- bean associations: planting method, density and date, stakes used, fertilization and cultural practices. It was concluded that if high technological levels are used, t...
Recommendations are given on the var. and cultural practices used in cassava cultivation in the Colombian Llanos Orientales. Initially, soil acidity and low fertility were believed to be the major constraints; however, trials have indicated that diseases (bacterioses, superelongation, and anthrac...
Howeler, Reinhardt H.
Ballesteros, D
[El cultivo de la yuca en los Llanos Orientales de Colombia: Variedades y practicas agronomicas]
El cultivo de la yuca en los Llanos Orientales de Colombia: Variedades y practicas agronomicas