When it comes to “future-proofing” farming activities, it’s time to
mainstream soil health into efforts to make farming more resilient to
the impacts of climate change. This entails assessing which agricultural
practices preserve and rehabilitate the soil, while leaving a minimal climate
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[CIAT and Germany in Western Kenya: uniting for impact]
CIAT and Germany in Western Kenya: uniting for impact
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[Corpoica y el CIAT: Unidos por el desarrollo sostenible de Colombia]
Corpoica y el CIAT: Unidos por el desarrollo sostenible de Colombia
En el año 2012, la empresa privada de lácteos Alquería lanzó su primer programa piloto de capacitación a pequeños productores de leche: MACA. Así se le bautizó en ese momento pues la zona de prueba inicial del piloto fue en los municipios cercanos a la serranía de la Macarena en el Meta, Colombia...
Triana Ãngel, Natalia
Ariza Aya, Mauricio
[Juventud ganadera, motor para el cambio: alianzas estratégicas con la empresa privada (CIAT/CCAFS-Alquería): Nacimiento, motivaciones y objetivos de la iniciativa Herederos de Tradición llevada a cabo por Alquería dentro de sus programas de Formación Campesina]
Juventud ganadera, motor para el cambio: alianzas estratégicas con la empresa privada (CIAT/CCAFS-Alquería): Nacimiento, motivaciones y objetivos de la iniciativa Herederos de Tradición llevada a cabo por Alquería dentro de sus programas de Formación Campesina
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
United States Agency for International Development
[Climate-Smart Agriculture in Uganda]
Climate-Smart Agriculture in Uganda
The CSA Papers aim to generate critical insights into five key areas of CSA based on unpublished scientific information.
Contributors of Papers will participate in a writeshop, be provided honoraria, and be eligible for travel grants to showcase their work.
Rosenstock, Todd S.
Girvetz, Evan H.
Nowak, Andreea
[The CSA Papers: Critical investigations to support climate-smart agriculture development. An effort to analyze, publish, and present previously unreleased data on CSA]
The CSA Papers: Critical investigations to support climate-smart agriculture development. An effort to analyze, publish, and present previously unreleased data on CSA
Key messages
In order to achieve outcomes for gender equality and
women’s empowerment in smallholder adaptation
projects, project designers and implementers should:
Consider differential needs and priorities of
women, so that project activities are designed to
address the context in which women...
Sriram, Vidhya
[Achieving Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in Smallholder Adaptation: Lessons from IFAD’s Adaptation in Smallholder Agriculture Programme]
Achieving Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in Smallholder Adaptation: Lessons from IFAD’s Adaptation in Smallholder Agriculture Programme
The brief tackles how the Adaptation and Mitigation Initiative in Agriculture (AMIA) Program of the Philippines’ Department of Agriculture (DA) served as a platform for supporting local actions for climate resilient agriculture. The document discusses a number of key lessons emerging from the AMI...
International Livestock Research Institute
[Policy and decision support for increased investment in livestock adaptation strategies that contribute to productivity, nutrition, resilience and mitigation]
Policy and decision support for increased investment in livestock adaptation strategies that contribute to productivity, nutrition, resilience and mitigation
Producing adequate food to meet global demand by 2050 is widely recognized as a major challenge, particularly for sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) (Godfray et al. 2010; Alexandratos and Bruinsma 2012; van Ittersum et al. 2016). Increased price volatility of major food crops (Koning et al. 2008; Lagi et a...
Tesfaye, Kindie
Ittersum, Martin K. van
Wiebe, Keith
Boogaard, Hendrik L.
Radeny, Maren A.O.
Solomon, Dawit
[Can Ethiopia feed itself by 2050? Estimating cereal self-sufficiency to 2050]
Can Ethiopia feed itself by 2050? Estimating cereal self-sufficiency to 2050