Detailed information is presented on the activities of the Eastern Africa regional bean program. This regional project covers Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, and Uganda. CIAT's regional activities aim primarily at strengthening national capabilities to conduct research relevant to small farmers' needs....
Se presenta informacion detallada sobre las actividades del programa regional de frijol de Africa Oriental. Este proyecto regional cubre a Etiopia, Kenia, Somalia y Uganda. Las actividades regionales de CIAT estan dirigidas fundamentalmente hacia el fortalecimiento de las capacidades nacionales p...
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[Genetic improvement and related activities. Regional activities. Africa. East Africa]
Genetic improvement and related activities. Regional activities. Africa. East Africa
Polanía Perdomo, José A.
Beebe, Stephen E.
Rao, Idupulapati M.
Poschenrieder, C.
Cajiao V., César Hernando
Barrera, S.
Grajales, Miguel A.
Rivera, M.
Barbosa, N.
Melo, E.
Chaves, N.
[Adaptación del frijol común al cambio climático: avances en tolerancia a sequía y calor]
Adaptación del frijol común al cambio climático: avances en tolerancia a sequía y calor
Serrao, Emanuel Adilson de Souza
Moreno Ruiz, Miguel Antonio
Veiga, Jonas Bastos da
[Experiencia regional con Centrosema:Brasil, zona tropical húmeda]
Experiencia regional con Centrosema:Brasil, zona tropical húmeda
Grof, Bela
Flores A., Adalberto J.
Mendoza M., Pablo E.
Pizarro, Esteban A.
[Experiencia regional con Centrosema:Norte de América del Sur]
Experiencia regional con Centrosema:Norte de América del Sur
Vorano, Alfredo E.
Kretschmer Junior, Albert E.
Royo Pallarés, Olegario
Perego, Juan Luis
[Experiencia regional con Centrosema:América subtropical]
Experiencia regional con Centrosema:América subtropical
Châtel, Marc H.
Guimaraes, Elcio Perpétuo
Ospina Rey, Yolima
Borrero Correa, Jaime C.
[Utilización de acervos genéticos y poblaciones de arroz de secano que segregan para un gen de androesterilidad]
Utilización de acervos genéticos y poblaciones de arroz de secano que segregan para un gen de androesterilidad
Activities of the tissue culture section of the Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical were focused on the improvement and utilization of meristem culture methods for disease eradication (frog skin), germplasm conservation and international exchange as well as the initiation of research on ...
Activities of the tissue culture section of the Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical were focused on the improvement and utilization of meristem culture methods for disease eradication (frog skin), germplasm conservation and international exchange as well as the initiation of research on ...
Over the period 1994-1996, seven batches of seeds and two of meristem tissue cultures were evaluated and selected. As important as root yield is the trait starch content (or dry matter content) if a clone is to be accepted as a starch cultivar. At the time of reporting a number of clones have bee...