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McDougall, C.Ojha, H.Pandey, R.K.Banjade, M.R.Pandit, B.H.[Enhancing adaptiveness and collaboration in community forestry in Nepal: reflections from participatory action research]Enhancing adaptiveness and collaboration in community forestry in Nepal: reflections from participatory action research
Hartanto, H.[Facilitating change from the inside: adaptive collaborative management in the Philippines]Facilitating change from the inside: adaptive collaborative management in the Philippines

This paper briefly reviews CIFOR’s experience using participatory action research working with communities, user groups within communities, and with governments at various levels, in Bolivia, Brazil, Cameroon, Ghana, Indonesia, Kyrgyzstan, Madagascar, Malawi, Nepal, Philippines, and Zimbabwe. The...

Colfer, C.J.P.Komarudin, H.German, L.Nyangas, S.Siagian, Y.Tanui, J.[Participatory forest management, equity and local governance – keynote address]Participatory forest management, equity and local governance – keynote address
Barton, David N.Kakumanu, Krishna ReddyKuppannan, PalanisamiTirupathaiah, K.[Analysis of economic incentives for managing risk at the farm level in the context of climate change.]Analysis of economic incentives for managing risk at the farm level in the context of climate change.
Rao, Idupulapati M.[Role of physiology in improving crop adaptation to abiotic stresses in the tropics: The case of common bean and tropical forages]Role of physiology in improving crop adaptation to abiotic stresses in the tropics: The case of common bean and tropical forages
Rao, Idupulapati M.Friesen, Dennis K.Osaki, Mitsuru[Plant adaptation to phosphorus: Limited tropical soils]Plant adaptation to phosphorus: Limited tropical soils
Fisher, Myles J.Rao, Idupulapati M.Thomas, Richard J.Lascano, Carlos E.[Grasslands in the well-watered tropical lowlands]Grasslands in the well-watered tropical lowlands
Rao, Idupulapati M.[Limitaciones edáficas y climáticas para la producción de frijol común (Phaseolus vulgaris)]Limitaciones edáficas y climáticas para la producción de frijol común (Phaseolus vulgaris)
Margenot, Andrew J.Singh, Bal RamRao, Idupulapati M.Sommer, Rolf[Phosphorus fertilization and management in soils of Sub-Saharan Africa]Phosphorus fertilization and management in soils of Sub-Saharan Africa

Prosinger, JanaSuhardiman, DianaGiordano, Mark[Linking climate change discourse with climate change policy in the Mekong: the case of Lao PDR]Linking climate change discourse with climate change policy in the Mekong: the case of Lao PDR

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