This Information Note presents a summary of an analysis of the revised NBSAPs that were submitted by 119 countries to the CBD Secretariat prior to 20 November 2016. The study focused on how agrobiodiversity has been mainstreamed across sectors through the NBSAPs
Lapena, Isabel
Halewood, Michael
Hunter, Danny
[Mainstreaming agricultural biological diversity across sectors through NBSAPs: Missing Links to Climate Change Adaptation, Dietary Diversity and the Plant
Mainstreaming agricultural biological diversity across sectors through NBSAPs: Missing Links to Climate Change Adaptation, Dietary Diversity and the Plant
Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) has become a central
concept shaping action and bringing together
constituencies at the global level on agriculture and
climate change. In essence, climate-smart agriculture
pays explicit attention to how interventions in agriculture
and food systems affect each of...
This briefing note summarizes the main findings of the study, conducted as part of the national platform of science-policy dialogue on climate change, agriculture and food security, or CASA C-platform created in 2012 on the importance of the researchers and decision makers dialogue and possible a...
Sogoba, Bougouna
Ba, Allassane
Zougmoré, Robert B.
Samaké, Ouodiouma B.
[How can effective dialogue be established between researchers and policy makers on climate change adaptation in Mali]
How can effective dialogue be established between researchers and policy makers on climate change adaptation in Mali
Du point de vue de la biodiversité, Madagascar est classé parmi les pays mégadivers donc à fort taux d’endémisme, c’est à dire, biologiquement très riche. La biodiversité ou diversité biologique désigne la quantité et la diversité des espèces biologiques vivant sur notre planète. La diversité bio...
Rakotoniaina N
Andriamahazo, M.
[Mise en oeuvre mutuelle du Traité International sur les Ressources Phytogénétiques pour l’Alimentation et l’Agriculture et le Protocole de Nagoya sur l’accès aux ressources génétiques et au partage des avantages découlant de leur utilisation à Madagascar]
Mise en oeuvre mutuelle du Traité International sur les Ressources Phytogénétiques pour l’Alimentation et l’Agriculture et le Protocole de Nagoya sur l’accès aux ressources génétiques et au partage des avantages découlant de leur utilisation à Madagascar
Le Bénin dispose d’une riche diversité biologique végétale, animale, halieutique et microbienne dont seulement une toute petite partie est connue, recensée, étudiée et utilisée pour l’alimentation, la santé, l’habitat, la protection de l’environnement et la culture. Cette diversité génétique est ...
Mikpon T
Bossou, B.
[Mise en oeuvre mutuelle du Traité International sur les Ressources Phytogénétiques pour l’Alimentation et l’Agriculture et le Protocole de Nagoya sur l'APA au Bénin]
Mise en oeuvre mutuelle du Traité International sur les Ressources Phytogénétiques pour l’Alimentation et l’Agriculture et le Protocole de Nagoya sur l'APA au Bénin
Climate change will affect the ability to deliver not only the quantity but also the type and quality of food necessary for nutritious diets. Global and regional 'climate-smart agriculture' initiatives offer an opportunity to mitigate climate impacts and improve nutrition outcomes at scale. The S...
Rosenstock, Todd S.
Lamanna, Christine
DeRenzi, Brian
Chesterman, Sabrina
Kadiyala, Suneetha
Ng’endo, Mary
Chibuye, Kayokwa
Choga, Ngonidzashe
Wijk, Mark T. van
[Surveillance of Climate-smart Agriculture for Nutrition (SCAN): Innovations for monitoring climate, agriculture and nutrition at scale]
Surveillance of Climate-smart Agriculture for Nutrition (SCAN): Innovations for monitoring climate, agriculture and nutrition at scale
Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) is an approach to simultaneously addresses challenges of food security and climate change. It aims to increase agricultural productivity in sustainable ways, improve climate resilience, and mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions or sequester carbon. CSA promotes s...
The climate-smart agriculture (CSA) concept reflects an ambition to improve the integration of agriculture development and climate responsiveness. It aims to achieve food security and broader development goals under a changing climate and increasing food demand. CSA initiatives sustainably increa...
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
[Climate-Smart Agriculture in Cabo Verde]
Climate-Smart Agriculture in Cabo Verde
Lessons learned from working with gender and social inclusion within the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).
Jost, Christine
Kristjanson, Patricia M.
Ferdous, N.
[Lessons in Theory of Change: Gender and Inclusion]
Lessons in Theory of Change: Gender and Inclusion
This brief presents findings from an assessment of rural livelihood systems around the reserve. The assessment was undertaken to identify entry points to create wealth, improve nutrition and conserve the forest. It aims to develop a contextual understanding
of rural communities and offer a locali...
Nowak, Andreea
Rosenstock, Todd S.
Hammond, Jim
Degrande, Ann
Smith, Emilie
[Livelihoods of households living near Yangambi Biosphere Reserve, Democratic Republic of Congo]
Livelihoods of households living near Yangambi Biosphere Reserve, Democratic Republic of Congo