World Health Organization. Expanded Programme on Immunization . Global Advisory Group. Meeting (11th: 1988: Abidjan, Côte d' Ivoire)
WHO Expanded Programme on Immunization
[Report of the Expanded Programme on Immunization Global Advisory Group meeting, 17-21 October 1988, Abidjan, Côte d' Ivoire]
Organisation mondiale de la Santé. Programme élargi de vaccination. Groupe consultatif mondial. Réunion (13e: 1990: Le Caire, Egypt)
WHO Expanded Programme on Immunization
[Programme élargi de vaccination : rapport de la 13e réunion du Groupe consultatif mondial, 14-18 octobre 1990, Le Caire, Egypte]
World Health Organization
[Strengthening response to pandemics and other public-health emergencies : report of the Review Committee on the Functioning of the International Health Regulations (2005) and on Pandemic Influenza (H1N1) 2009]