Many estimates suggest that the world’s forests are home to more than 50% of terrestrial biodiversity, yet temperate and tropical forests face numerous threats, including agricultural and industrial expansion, climate change, non-sustainable management and pollution. If forests and their diversit...
Boyle, T.J.B.
Boontawee, B.
[Measuring and monitoring biodiversity in tropical and temperate forests: proceedings of a IUFRO symposium held at Chiang Mai, Thailand August 27th-September 2nd 1994]
Measuring and monitoring biodiversity in tropical and temperate forests: proceedings of a IUFRO symposium held at Chiang Mai, Thailand August 27th-September 2nd 1994
Mapedza, Everisto
McLeman, R.
[Drought risks in developing regions: challenges and opportunities]
Drought risks in developing regions: challenges and opportunities
Kusumanto, T.
[Learning to monitor political processes for fairness in Jambi, Indonesia]
Learning to monitor political processes for fairness in Jambi, Indonesia
Community managed forest systems embody a considerable portion of the wisdom, knowledge, and practical skills and management necessary for the sustainability of forest resources globally. These systems, however, are under threat in many ways, including from the rapid rate of change of their polit...
Ritchie, B
McDougall, C.
Haggith, M.
Burford de Oliveira, N.
[Criteria and indicators of sustainability in community managed forest landscape: an introductory guide]
Criteria and indicators of sustainability in community managed forest landscape: an introductory guide
The initial aim of this study was to contribute to the development of monitoring and auditing instruments for forest enterprises in the Brazilian Amazon, based on criteria and indicators (C&I) to assess sustainability, practicability and viability of C&I depending on the consideration of interest...
Pokorny, B.
Bauch, R.
[Criterios e indicadores para avaliacao da sustentabilidade de empresa florestal em Tailandia, Para, na Amazonia Brasileira]
Criterios e indicadores para avaliacao da sustentabilidade de empresa florestal em Tailandia, Para, na Amazonia Brasileira
Awang, S.A.
Widayanti, W.T.
Himmah, B.
Astuti, A.
Septiana, R.M.
Novenanto, A.
[Panduan pemberdayaan lembaga masyarakat desa hutan (LMDH)]
Panduan pemberdayaan lembaga masyarakat desa hutan (LMDH)
Monitoring and research activities may hinder rather than improve conservation in tropical countries. Those concerned with conservation - particularly academics and aid agencies - too often overlook the practical realities of achieving conservation in the tropics. As a result, many initiatives di...
Sheil, Douglas
Nasi, Robert
[Recherche et conservation: realities, priorites et distraction]
Recherche et conservation: realities, priorites et distraction
Application of Criteria and Indicators to assess the sustainability of a forest Enterprise in Tailândia, Pará in the Brazilian Amazon: Initial aim of the presented study was to contribute to the development of monitoring and auditing instruments for forest enterprises in the Brazilian Amazon, bas...
Pokorny, B.
Bauch, R.
[Estudo aplicativo de critérios e indicadores para avaliar sustentabilidade em uma empresa florestal em Tailândia, Pará, na Amazônia brasileira]
Estudo aplicativo de critérios e indicadores para avaliar sustentabilidade em uma empresa florestal em Tailândia, Pará, na Amazônia brasileira
Criteria and indicators to assess sustainability have been desingned to promote the implementation of sustainable forest management. However, very few forest managers are currently using this tool. To transform C&I into practicable tool for monitoring and auditing forest management, an intensive ...
Pokorny, B.
Sabogal, C.
Silva, J.N.M.
Lima, J.
Bernardo, P.
[Criterios e indicadores para el monitoreo de operaciones forestales un caso en Brasil]
Criterios e indicadores para el monitoreo de operaciones forestales un caso en Brasil
The ultimate goal of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is to stabilize the concentrations of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system. From a sustainable development point of view t...
Murdiyarso, Daniel
[Assessing biodiversity in LULUCF-CDM projects: towards synergizing UNFCCC and CBD]
Assessing biodiversity in LULUCF-CDM projects: towards synergizing UNFCCC and CBD