This report is intended to complement the 2011 CCAFS publication “State of Climate Change
Adaptation and Mitigation Efforts for Agriculture in Ghana” (Domozoro 2011). It provides
relevant updates regarding the policies, projects, or initiatives introduced therein, and an
assessment of the evolvin...
Sova, Chase
Chaudhury AS
Nelson, W.
Nutsukpo, D.K.
Zougmoré, Robert B.
[Climate Change Adaptation Policy in Ghana: Priorities for the Agriculture Sector]
Climate Change Adaptation Policy in Ghana: Priorities for the Agriculture Sector
D’après le 4ème rapport IPCC, 2007, les scénarii futurs du changement climatique pour l’Afrique de l’Ouest indiquent que la variabilité climatique actuellement vécue risque d’augmenter et de s’intensifier. Les impacts du changement climatique sur la sécurité alimentaire constituent une que...
Somda, Jacques
Sawadogo, I
Sawadogo, Mahamadou
Zougmoré, Robert B.
Bationo, B. André
Moussa, Abdoulaye S.
Nakoulma, G
Sanou, J
Barry, S
Sanou, AO
Somé, Léopold
[Participatory vulnerability assessment and planning of adaptation to climate change in the Yatenga, Burkina Faso]
[Analyse participative de la vulnérabilité et planification de l’adaptation au changement climatique dans le Yatenga, Burkina Faso]
Analyse participative de la vulnérabilité et planification de l’adaptation au changement climatique dans le Yatenga, Burkina Faso
The impacts of climate change on food security are a thorny issue, especially in countries with marginal and volatile weather conditions. Burkina Faso is one of those countries where agriculture, mainly rain- fed type, is highly dependent on agro-climatic parameters such as rainfall, temperature,...
Somda, Jacques
Sawadogo, I
Sawadogo, Mahamadou
Zougmoré, Robert B.
Bationo, B. André
Moussa, Abdoulaye S.
Nakoulma, G
Sanou, J
Barry, S
Sanou, AO
Somé, Léopold
[Analyse participative de la vulnérabilité et planification de l’adaptation au changement climatique dans le Yatenga, Burkina Faso]
[Participatory vulnerability assessment and planning of adaptation to climate change in the Yatenga, Burkina Faso]
Participatory vulnerability assessment and planning of adaptation to climate change in the Yatenga, Burkina Faso
The vulnerability of Africa’s agriculture to climate change is complex. It is shaped by biophysical, economic, socio-cultural, geographical, ecological, institutional, technological and governance processes that interact in intricate ways, and can together reduce farmers’ adaptive capacity. Women...
Nyasimi, Mary
Amwata, D.
Hove, L.
Kinyangi, James
Wamukoya, George
[Evidence of Impact: Climate-Smart Agriculture in Africa]
Evidence of Impact: Climate-Smart Agriculture in Africa
Agricultural production systems in East Africa are mainly rain-fed and highly vulnerable to climate change and variability. Moreover, the smallholder subsistence production base increases the vulnerability of the agricultural sector in East Africa to climate risks. The frequency and severity of c...
Nzuma, JM
Radeny, Maren A.O.
Kinyangi, James
Cramer, Laura
[A review of agricultural, food security, food systems and climate change adaptation policies, institutions and actors in East Africa]
A review of agricultural, food security, food systems and climate change adaptation policies, institutions and actors in East Africa
This paper presents the initial data analyses of the CCAFS gender survey implemented in four sites in Africa. Using descriptive statistics we show gender differences in terms of perceptions of climate change, awareness and adoption of climate smart agricultural (CSA) practices, and types and sour...
In 2013, CCAFS surpassed the 3-year targets for two of its twelve Objectives, achieved the targets for seven Objectives and is behind target for three Objectives. Most progress has been made in East Africa (EA), West Africa (WA) and South Asia (SA) – the regions established at the start of CCAFS;...
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
[2013 Annual Report to CGIAR Consortium: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS)]
2013 Annual Report to CGIAR Consortium: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS)
This document describes a process to identify stakeholders in Mesoamerica for work related to adaptation of agriculture to climate change, and select particularly those who could be boundary partners in current or future projects.
Baena, M.
[Analysis of stakeholders in Mesoamerica for adaptation of agriculture to climate change]
Analysis of stakeholders in Mesoamerica for adaptation of agriculture to climate change
This concept note presents the new structure and function of CCAFS under a system of Results-Based Management (RBM), building on lessons learnt in CCAFS’s 2013/14 RBM trial for Flagship 4. Lessons from three external evaluations have been used to improve efficacy of management and delivery of out...
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
[CCAFS Extension Proposal: Concept Note for 2015-2016]
CCAFS Extension Proposal: Concept Note for 2015-2016
Climate change is a major development challenge to Ethiopia. Climate change is expected to
adversely affect all economic sectors, eco-regions, and social groups. Agriculture is one of the
most vulnerable sectors as it is highly dependent on rainfall. This report synthesises four case
studies focu...
Bewket W
Radeny, Maren A.O.
Mungai, C
[Agricultural Adaptation and Institutional Responses to Climate Change Vulnerability in Ethiopia]
Agricultural Adaptation and Institutional Responses to Climate Change Vulnerability in Ethiopia