African oil palm ringspot virus (AOPRV) had been previously described as a fovea-like virus associated with a lethal disease of African oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) in South America. The original report was based on partial sequence and a distant relationship between AOPRV and Apple stem pitting ...
Lozano Potes, I
Morales, Francisco José
Martínez, A.K.
Pena, E
[Molecular characterization and detection of African oil palm ringspot virus]
Molecular characterization and detection of African oil palm ringspot virus
Álvarez, Elizabeth
Llano Rodríguez, Germán Alberto
Loke, John Bernard
Chacón Sánchez, María I.
[Characterization of Thielaviopsis paradoxa isolates from oil palm in Colombia, Ecuador and Brazil]
Characterization of Thielaviopsis paradoxa isolates from oil palm in Colombia, Ecuador and Brazil
Jarvis, Andy
Escobar Carbonari, Daniel
[Convenio MADR-CIAT: la adaptación al cambio climático, una necesidad para el sector palmicultor]
Convenio MADR-CIAT: la adaptación al cambio climático, una necesidad para el sector palmicultor
A virus with filamentous particles approximately 750 nm long was isolated from African oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) with `chlorotic ring' leaf symptoms in south-western Colombia. The virus was mechanically transmitted from oil palm to brachiaria, maize, sorghum, and sugarcane (Gramineae) but not ...
Morales, Francisco José
Lozano Potes, I
Sedano Cruz, RE
Castaño, M.
Arroyave, José A.
[Partial characterization of a potyvirus infecting African oil palm in South America]
Partial characterization of a potyvirus infecting African oil palm in South America
Rhebergena, Tiemen
Fairhurst, Thomas
Zingore, Shamie
Fisher, Myles J.
Oberthür, Thomas
Whitbread, Anthony M.
[Climate, soil and land-use based land suitability evaluation for oilpalm production in Ghana]
Climate, soil and land-use based land suitability evaluation for oilpalm production in Ghana
En 1998 se inició una investigación para determinar la etiología a de dos enfermedades de aparente naturaleza viral, que afectan el cultivo de la palma africana de aceite en el suroccidente colombiano. La pre sencia de la mancha anular se registré por primera vez en 1985, en el municipio de Tum...
Morales, Francisco José
Lozano Potes, I
Arroyave, José A.
Castaño, M.
Sedano Cruz, RE
Velasco, Ana Cecilia
[Enfermedades virales de la palma de aceite en el suroccidente colombiano y sus agentes causales]
Enfermedades virales de la palma de aceite en el suroccidente colombiano y sus agentes causales
Tao, Hsiao-Hang
Donough, Christopher
Gerendas, Joska
Hoffmann, Munir P.
Cahyo, Angger
Sugianto, Hendra
Wandri, Ruli
Abdul Rahim, Gatot
Fisher, Myles J.
Rötter, Reimund P.
Dittert, Klaus
Pardon, Lénaïc
Oberthür, Thomas
[Fertilizer management effects on oil palm yield and nutrient use efficiency on sandy soils with limited water supply in Central Kalimantan]
Fertilizer management effects on oil palm yield and nutrient use efficiency on sandy soils with limited water supply in Central Kalimantan
Morales, Francisco José
Lozano, Ivan
Velasco, Ana Cecilia
Arroyave, José A.
[Detección de un virus asociado a la mancha anular de la palma de aceite en Tumaco, Nariño = Detection of a fovea-like virus in African oil palms affected by a lethal ŽringspotŽ disease in Tumaco, Nariño]
Detección de un virus asociado a la mancha anular de la palma de aceite en Tumaco, Nariño = Detection of a fovea-like virus in African oil palms affected by a lethal ŽringspotŽ disease in Tumaco, Nariño