This booklet presents a collection of previously
unpublished or ongoing research and interventions
related to climate-smart agriculture (CSA), with
emphasis on experiences in Eastern and Southern
Africa. The visual material contained herein offers
researchers, development workers and policy-maker...
Rosenstock, Todd S.
Nowak, Andreea
Girvetz, Evan H.
[Data leaks to help create a climate-smart future]
Data leaks to help create a climate-smart future
Leal Monsalve, D
Sarkarung, Surapong
Sanz Scovino, José Ignacio
Aguirre Villa, R.H.
Delgado Huertas, H
[Oryzica sabana 6 : variedad mejorada de arroz para sistemas sostenibles de producción en suelos de sabana]
Oryzica sabana 6 : variedad mejorada de arroz para sistemas sostenibles de producción en suelos de sabana
The Nutrition, Markets and Gender (NMG) Survey was conducted in Rwanda to investigate the causes of malnutrition in children under 24 months. The NMG Survey was informed by the 2010 Demographic Health Survey (DHS) for Rwanda that gave some insight into the knowledge and trend of malnutrition in t...
Lung'aho, Mercy G.
Birachi, Eliud Abucheli
Butare, L.
Musoni, Augustine
Muhinda M, JJ
Buruchara, Robin A.
[Rwanda Nutrition, Markets and Gender Analysis 2015: An integrated approach towards alleviating malnutrition among vulnerable populations in Rwanda]
Rwanda Nutrition, Markets and Gender Analysis 2015: An integrated approach towards alleviating malnutrition among vulnerable populations in Rwanda
This paper has been prepared under the guidelines provided by the TAP Secretariat at the FAO, as a contribution to the TAP, an initiative of the G.20, which includes near 40 partners, facilitated by the FAO.
Its purpose is to provide a Regional synthesis report on capacity needs assessment for a...
Pomareda, Carlos
[Innovations in the agriculture of Central America: progress, institutional capacity and policy needs]
Innovations in the agriculture of Central America: progress, institutional capacity and policy needs
Dvorak, K.A.
Jiménez, P.
[Resumen de los datos del sondeo sobre recursos agrícolas : Municipios de Danlí y San Matías, departamento de El Paríso, Honduras: Reporte interno]
Resumen de los datos del sondeo sobre recursos agrícolas : Municipios de Danlí y San Matías, departamento de El Paríso, Honduras: Reporte interno
Amede, Tilahun
Assefa, H.
Dibabe, A.
Keneni, G
Mekonnen, Kindu
Tesfaye, A
Jebessa, S
[Evaluation of participatory approaches for responsive research & development in Ethiopia: success factors]
Evaluation of participatory approaches for responsive research & development in Ethiopia: success factors
El presente reporte realiza una caracterización de las diferentes fincas ganaderas de la región Tuma-La Dalia a través de discusiones de grupos focales con productores, productoras y otros actores. Los impactos climáticos y ambientales se evaluaron con la herramienta CLEANED-X Excel, una herramie...
En una segunda instancia se realizó una evaluación preliminar de impacto, comparando impactos potenciales con las líneas base. Para efectos de este análisis, desarrollamos y agregamos un modelo que calcula los cambios en las reservas de carbono para diferentes componentes de los sistemas silvopas...
This report makes the characterization of the different livestock farms in the Tuma-La Dalia region through focus group discussions with producers and other actors. Climate and environmental impacts were evaluated with the CLEANED-X Excel tool, a rapid preliminary environmental impact assessment ...
van der Hoek, Rein
Mena, Martín
[Escenarios convencionales (BAU-Business as Usual) y Escenarios de Intensificación – TESAC-Sistemas Ganaderos]
Escenarios convencionales (BAU-Business as Usual) y Escenarios de Intensificación – TESAC-Sistemas Ganaderos
The climate-smart agriculture (CSA) concept reflects an ambition
to improve the integration of agriculture development and climate
responsiveness. CSA aims to achieve food security and broader
development goals under a changing climate and increasing food
demand. CSA initiatives can sustainably i...