Mulching was highly effective and superior to chemical treatments for the control of web blight (WB) caused in beans by Rhizoctonia solani, the imperfect state of Thanatephorus cucumeris. Plots were established in fields with a history of repeated incidence of WB. Soilborne sclerotia and colonize...
Galindo, J.J.
Abawi, G.S.
Thurston, HD
Galvez, G
[Effect of mulching on web blight of beans in Costa Rica]
Effect of mulching on web blight of beans in Costa Rica
Results of the research on beans carried out by the Dept. of Plant Pathology and Weed Science of Colorado State U. (USA) are briefly summarized. Surveys in the spring of 1984 and 1985 found many wild beans infected with, and/or colonized by, populations of Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola an...
Ziska, Lewis H.
Gealy, David R.
Burgos, Nilda
Caicedo, Ana L.
Gressel, Jonathan
Lawton-Rauh, Amy L
Avila, Luis A
Theisen, Giovani
Norsworthy, Jason
Ferrero, Aldo
Vidotto, Francesco
Johnson, David E.
Ferreira, Felipe G
Marchesan, Enio
Menezes, Valmir
Cohn, Marc A.
Linscombe, Steven
Carmona, Luciano
Tang, Rui
Merotto, Aldo
[Weedy (Red) rice: an emerging constraint to global rice production]
Weedy (Red) rice: an emerging constraint to global rice production
Information on bruchids on bean grain (Zabrotes subfasciatus and Acanthoscelides obtectus) is given for farmers, explaining aspects such as: oviposition behavior, morphological characteristics of the adult, type of damage, and adaptation to temp. Practices to avoid or prevent damage by bruchids a...
Alomia de Gutierrez, B.
Schoonhoven, Aart van
[Proteja su cosecha de frijol contra el ataque de los gorgojos]
Proteja su cosecha de frijol contra el ataque de los gorgojos
A vast literature review is given on the bean fly (Ophiomyia phaseoli). Aspects dealt with are geographical distribution, host plants, biology, plant damage, and pest management (cultural, biological, and chemical control, and var. resistance). The importance of an integrated pest management is h...
Ambachew, Daniel
Mekbib, Firew
Asfaw, A.
Beebe, Stephen E.
Blair, Matthew W.
[Trait associations in common bean genotypes grown under drought stress and field infestation by BSM bean fly]
Trait associations in common bean genotypes grown under drought stress and field infestation by BSM bean fly
Pinzon, B.
Argel M., Pedro J.
[Control de malezas con herbicidas pre y post emergentes en el establecimiento de la leguminosa forrajera kudzu tropical (Pueraria phaseoloides)]
Control de malezas con herbicidas pre y post emergentes en el establecimiento de la leguminosa forrajera kudzu tropical (Pueraria phaseoloides)
En el Banco de Germoplasma de la Unidad de Recursos Genéticos (URG) del CIAT más de 700 accesiones de Brachiaria spp. son conservadas en pequeñas cantidades de semilla; estas accesiones han sido obtenidas por donaciones de otros bancos, colecciones nacionales e internacionales o colectas en los s...
Pineda López, Benjamín
Balcázar, María del Socorro
Rivera, AL
[Evaluación de fungicidas para el control del complejo fungoso Drechslera spp., Phoma spp., Sphacelia sp., Epiccocum spp. (Cerebella spp.) en inflorescencias de Brachiaria brizantha (Panicoideae, Poaceae)]
Evaluación de fungicidas para el control del complejo fungoso Drechslera spp., Phoma spp., Sphacelia sp., Epiccocum spp. (Cerebella spp.) en inflorescencias de Brachiaria brizantha (Panicoideae, Poaceae)
Mukhongo, Ruth Wilhem
Kavoo-Mwangi, Agnes Mumo
Okalebo, John Robert
Were, BA
Mwangi, EK
Jefwa, J.M.
[Acclimatization and growth of tissue cultured banana co-inoculated with microbiological and chemical commercial products in different soils in Kenya]
Acclimatization and growth of tissue cultured banana co-inoculated with microbiological and chemical commercial products in different soils in Kenya
Argel M., Pedro J.
Villegas, C.
Doll, Jerry D.
[Control químico de tacana (Helicona bihai) en potreros]
Control químico de tacana (Helicona bihai) en potreros