Here, we report the complete genome sequence of a novel bipartite begomovirus isolated from cotton plants (Gossypium raimondii, Malvaceae) exhibiting light yellow mosaic symptoms. The genome sequence was determined by Illumina DNA sequencing and confirmed by Sanger sequencing of RCA-enriched, clo...
Leke, W.N.
Khatabi, B.
Mignouna, Djana B.
Brown, J.
Fondong, V.N.
[Complete genome sequence of a new bipartite begomovirus infecting cotton in the Republic of Benin in west Africa]
Complete genome sequence of a new bipartite begomovirus infecting cotton in the Republic of Benin in west Africa
General circulation models (GCMs) project increases in the earth’s surface air temperatures and other climate changes by the mid or late 21st century, and therefore crops such as cotton (Gossypium spp L.) will be grown in a much different environment than today. To understand the implications of ...
Hebbar KB
Venugopalan, M.V.
Prakash AH
Aggarwal, Pramod K.
[Simulating the impacts of climate change on cotton production in India]
Simulating the impacts of climate change on cotton production in India
This review paper intends to portray current scenario of agricultural productivity through yields and gaps of five major crops; wheat, cotton, rice, maize and sugarcane. The review discusses major constraints, identifies future prospects and makes policy recommendations for enhanced agricultural ...
Aslam, Muhammad
[Agricultural productivity current scenario, constraints and future prospects in Pakistan]
Agricultural productivity current scenario, constraints and future prospects in Pakistan
The literature about economic and social impacts of Bt cotton adoption on farm households in developing countries is growing. Yet, there is still uncertainty about wider implications of this technology for rural development, including effects for landless rural laborers. Bt-related yield advantag...
Kouser, Shahzad
Abedullah, A.
Qaim, M.
[Bt cotton and employment effects for female agricultural laborers in Pakistan]
Bt cotton and employment effects for female agricultural laborers in Pakistan
Baudron, Frédéric
Corbeels, Marc
Monicat, F.
Giller, Ken E.
[Cotton expansion and biodiversity loss in African savannahs, opportunities and challenges for conservation agriculture : A review paper based on two case studies]
Cotton expansion and biodiversity loss in African savannahs, opportunities and challenges for conservation agriculture : A review paper based on two case studies
Con el fin de dinamizar la ganadería colombiana, y en un esfuerzo conjunto de los sectores oficial y privado, se están adelantando procesos de investigación y transferencia de tecnología en el nivel de empresas agropecuarias. Parte de ese proceso ha sido la caracterización de los principales sist...
Duarte Torres, O.A.
Pulido Herrera, J
Silva Zalzuk, J
Holmann, Federico J.
[Modelo de optimización para los sistemas de producción agropecuarios de la microrregión Valle del Cesar, Colombia = Model to improve the livestock and crop production systems in Valle del Cesar, Colombia]
Modelo de optimización para los sistemas de producción agropecuarios de la microrregión Valle del Cesar, Colombia = Model to improve the livestock and crop production systems in Valle del Cesar, Colombia
Djanibekov, Nodir
Djanibekov, Utkur
Sommer, Rolf
Petrick, Martin
[Cooperative agricultural production to exploit individual heterogeneity under a delivery target: The case of cotton in Uzbekistan]
Cooperative agricultural production to exploit individual heterogeneity under a delivery target: The case of cotton in Uzbekistan
Studies conducted in the USA and Europe have shown that diverse landscapes in general support greater natural enemy abundance. No quantitative evidence on the relationship between land use diversity and natural enemies has been reported from developing countries, where fields and farms are much s...
Ke Zhou
Jikun Huang
Xiangzheng Deng
Werf, A.W. van der
Wei Zhang
Yanhui Lu
Kongming Wu
Feng Wu
[Effects of land use and insecticides on natural enemies of aphids in cotton: First evidence from smallholder agriculture in the North China Plain.]
Effects of land use and insecticides on natural enemies of aphids in cotton: First evidence from smallholder agriculture in the North China Plain.
Blanco, Carlos A.
Chiaravalle, W.
Dalla-Rizza, M.
Farias, J.R.
García Degano, M.F.
Gastaminza, G.
Mota-Sánchez, D.
Murúa, M.G.
Omoto, C.
Pieralisi, B.K.
Rodríguez Chalarca, Jairo
Rodríguez Maciel, J.C.
Terán Santofimio, Henry
Terán Vargas, A.P.
Valencia Cataño, Sandra Jimena
Willink, E.
[Current situation of pests targeted by Bt crops in Latin America]
Current situation of pests targeted by Bt crops in Latin America
A survey study was performed in five agro-ecological zones in Benin to assess farmers’ knowledge and perceptionon the identification, damage recognition, applied control methods of two cotton insect pests Helicoverpaarmigera Hübner and Aphis gossypii Glover. A total of 200 farmers were interviewe...
Elégbédé, M.T.
Glitho, I.A.
Dannon, E.A.
Douro-Kpindou, O.K.
Kpindou, M.A.
Tamò, M.
[Farmers knowledge and control of two major pests: Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) and Aphis gossypii (Glover) (Homoptera: Aphididae) in five agroecological zones in
Benin (West Africa)]
Farmers knowledge and control of two major pests: Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) and Aphis gossypii (Glover) (Homoptera: Aphididae) in five agroecological zones in
Benin (West Africa)