The activities of the agroindustrial development project conducted by CIAT on the northern coast of Colombia, from August 1987 to July 1988, included elaboration of dried cassava chips for animal nutrition, production and marketing of bagged cassava, milling and mixture of dried cassava, survey o...
Ostertag Gálvez, Carlos F.
[Proyecto de desarrollo agro-industrial del cultivo de la yuca en la Costa Atlantica de Colombia (agosto 1987-julio 1988). Informe Anual [online]]
Proyecto de desarrollo agro-industrial del cultivo de la yuca en la Costa Atlantica de Colombia (agosto 1987-julio 1988). Informe Anual [online]
A preliminary description is made of the 6 zones of the Peruvian jungle that could possibly be suitable for cassava production and application of drying technology. They are as follows: zone A, the valleys of the rivers Chinchipe, Ulcabamba, and Upper Maranon; zone B, the valley of the Huallaga r...
Jones, Peter G.
[Preliminary report on the possibilities for cassava drying technology for the Peruvian Selva]
Preliminary report on the possibilities for cassava drying technology for the Peruvian Selva
The 1st yr of operation (1983-84) of 6 cassava natural drying plants, established in some states of the Colombian Atlantic Coast as a result of the successful operation of the Betulia pilot plant (Sucre) established in 1981, is reported. Under the present production and commercialization conditio...
Best, R.
[Plan piloto para el desarrollo agro-industrial del cultivo de la yuca en algunos departamentos de la Costa Atlantica de Colombia : Tercer informe junio 1983-junio 1984]
Plan piloto para el desarrollo agro-industrial del cultivo de la yuca en algunos departamentos de la Costa Atlantica de Colombia : Tercer informe junio 1983-junio 1984
The different operations involved in the cassava drying process to produce chips for animal feed are indicated, namely weighing the fresh cassava, chipping, spreading out of chips, turning over of chips, recollection, storage, and marketing. The organization and management of a natural cassava dr...
A trend exists for using natural dried cassava as an animal feed. However, the technology of cassava drying is not well developed. The rate at which cassava dries when placed in the open air depends on the drying system, the relative humidity, the air temperature and the wind velocity. Particles ...
The participation of CIAT in the agroindustrialization of dried cassava in Colombia is briefly indicated. Main area of influence has been on the Atlantic Coast, where an integrated approach to production, processing, and marketing has been employed. The project consists of 3 phases: (1) exptl. ph...
Gottret, María Verónica
Raymond, M
[Análisis de un enfoque integrado de investigación y desarrollo en yuca y su contribución al alivio de la pobreza: el caso de la Costa Norte de Colombia]
Análisis de un enfoque integrado de investigación y desarrollo en yuca y su contribución al alivio de la pobreza: el caso de la Costa Norte de Colombia
Preservation of germplasm collections with low temperature storage is problematic because of power failures and equipment breakdown. Low moisture storage is an alternative to low temperature storage for medium-term germplasm conservation of seeds of most crops. Seed drying using silica gel for me...
Fischler, MA
[Bean germplasm conservation based on seed drying with silica gel and low moisture storage]
Bean germplasm conservation based on seed drying with silica gel and low moisture storage