Shrubs and trees browsed by Fulani pastoralists' cattle in two areas of central Nigeria were identified by means of interviews with the pastoralists and observations of browsing cattle. Thirty-nine palnt species were identified, many of them indigenous economic trees. The species were ranked by p...
Discusses the cultivation/cattle complex in Western Darfur, Sudan by giving greater emphasis on traditional rainfed agriculture, small-scale irrigation and animal husbandry. Presents data on agronomy and yield of traditional rainfed crops, on climatology, on livestock population and on livestock ...
Wilson, R.T.
Bailey, L.
Hales, J.
Moles, D.
Watkins, A.E.
[The cultivation - cattle complex in western Darfur]
The cultivation - cattle complex in western Darfur
Effects of harvesting ruminal micro-organisms from ruminal fluid on patterns of gas production were investigated in experiment 1 by incubating 200 mg DM of pure cellulose, oatfeed, ryegrass, cocksfoot, wet and dry season kikuyu grasses with either diluted ruminal fluid or harvested ruminal bacter...
Nagadi, S.
Herrero, Mario T.
Jessop, N.S.
[The effect of fermentable nitrogen availability on the gas production degradability of NDF]
The effect of fermentable nitrogen availability on the gas production degradability of NDF
A small group met for three days with the aim of developing a simple tool for characterizing the smallholder feeding system in different environments. The vision was to produce something that would be useful for development agencies to diagnose feed issues and provide guidance for potential inter...
Adie, Aberra
[Some notes on a workshop on a Feed Resource Assessment in Smallholder Systems]
Some notes on a workshop on a Feed Resource Assessment in Smallholder Systems
Discusses the contribution of crop residues to livestock feed resources during the dry season in the Abet plains, central Nigeria. Determines the grain and vegetative dry matter yields of predominant crops and the relationship between the two; percentage composition of crop residues; fiber, silic...
Powell, J.M.
[Contribution des residus de recoltes au disponible fourrager de saison seche dans la plaine d'Abet (Nigeria central)]
Contribution des residus de recoltes au disponible fourrager de saison seche dans la plaine d'Abet (Nigeria central)
Presents findings of a study carried out to determine differences between 24 sorghum varieties in digestibility of leaf and stem components and yield of stover. Emphasis is given to encourrage breeds involved in slelecting sorghum varieties for use on small farms where sorghum stover is an import...
Reed, J.D.
Tedla, A.
Jutzi, S.C.
[Variations de la digestibilite des residus d'une variete de sorgho a une autre]
Variations de la digestibilite des residus d'une variete de sorgho a une autre
Evaluates relationship between NDVI (nomalized difference vegetation index) and above-ground biomass, between maximum NDVI and end-of-growing season biomass; and between the integral of the NDVI curve or NDVI increments overtime and actual biomass. Describes atmospheric interference and technical...
Hiernaux, Pierre H.Y.
[Teledetection de l'evolution des ressources fourrageres par satellite: Progres dans l'etalonnage d'un indice radiometrique et premieres applications au Gourma (Sahel malien)]
Teledetection de l'evolution des ressources fourrageres par satellite: Progres dans l'etalonnage d'un indice radiometrique et premieres applications au Gourma (Sahel malien)
A study to determine the characteristics and chemical composition of different silages based on sweetpotato vines in combination with several local feed resources was conducted in the Animal Science laboratory at the Makerere University Agricultural Research Institute, Kabanyolo (MUARIK). Sweetpo...
Mutetika, D.
Ojakol, J.F.
Lule, Peter M.
Naziri, D.
Kyalo, Gerald
Pezo, Danilo A.
Lukuyu, Ben A.
[Technical report: Characteristics of silage based on sweetpotato with combinations of local feed resources in Uganda.]
Technical report: Characteristics of silage based on sweetpotato with combinations of local feed resources in Uganda.
The feed resources base, the feeding systems and feed values of three indigenous trees Girawa, Anfare and Kelewa (Local (Amharic), Ethiopian names ) were studied for sheep in sub humid, mid altitude area of south western Ethiopia. The study involved a survey of the feed resources base and assessm...
Haile, Aynalem
Tolemariam, T.
[The feed values of indigenous multipurpose trees for sheep in Ethiopia: The case of Vernonia amygdalina, Buddleja polystachya and Maesa lanceolata]
The feed values of indigenous multipurpose trees for sheep in Ethiopia: The case of Vernonia amygdalina, Buddleja polystachya and Maesa lanceolata
A linear programming model was used to analyze the effects of different herd and fodder management levels on agricultural income of small-scale mountain dairy farmers in northern Peru. Results demonstrate that fodder and herd management strongly impact farm profits. There exists considerable pote...
Bernet, T.
León Velarde, C.U.
[Income effects of fodder and herd management on small-scale milk producers in the northern Peruvian Andes]
Income effects of fodder and herd management on small-scale milk producers in the northern Peruvian Andes