Since the mid-1980s, policy discussions aimed at promoting sustainable forest management in Indonesia have focused almost exclusively on reforming the HPH (Hak Pengusahaan Hutan) timber concession system. Policy interventions proposed by the World Bank and other advocates of the “sustainable logg...
This chapter concludes from a study of the impacts of forest devolution policies in China, India and the Philippines that devolution has had significant impacts, but mostly on increasing forest cover. Changes in livelihoods were mixed, and control over forests was little changed. In some cases, d...
Edmunds, D.
Wollenberg, Eva K.
Contreras, A.P.
Liu Dachang
Kelkar, G.
Nathan, D.
Sarin, M.
Singh, N.M.
[Local forest management: conclusion]
Local forest management: conclusion
Guizol, P.
Ndikumagenge, C.
[Forest dynamics: the case of Burundi: images, views, farmer innovations and forestry policies]
Forest dynamics: the case of Burundi: images, views, farmer innovations and forestry policies
Cuatomary tenure, mingled with state law and occasional private titling, continue predominantly to govern African rural and forest lands. This is in spite of evolutionist theories that predicted its demise and colonial and post-colonial policies that tried actively to accelerate it. The chapter d...
Diaw, C.
[Modern economic theory and the challenge of embedded tenure institutions: African attempts to reform local forest policies]
Modern economic theory and the challenge of embedded tenure institutions: African attempts to reform local forest policies
Capistrano, D.
[Gouvernance forestière et décentralisation en Afrique: enjeux et tendances]
Gouvernance forestière et décentralisation en Afrique: enjeux et tendances
This book is about the impacts of China's reforms on the forestry sector of its economy. This chapter introduces the objective of this book which is to examine the experience of China's forestry sector with respect to the full set of forest and nonforest policy reforms introduced since 1978 and f...
This final chapter reviews the findings of the empirical chapters, summarizes authors observations for China, and explains these observations within the context of global forest policy. The institutions that define land tenure and the means of delivering tenurial rights is one great theme of Chin...
Kaimowitz, D.
[Conventional wisdom about sustainable forest management and a pro-poor forest agenda]
Conventional wisdom about sustainable forest management and a pro-poor forest agenda
Pacheco, P.
[Decentralization of forest management in Bolivia: who benefits and why?]
Decentralization of forest management in Bolivia: who benefits and why?