This study was carried out in Ghana with two communities managing two forest reserves. Two sets of participatory criteria and indicators (C&I) for sustainable forest management have been defined: the communities themselves decided what their own C&I would be. This gives an example of what partici...
Louvet, S.
[Criteria & indicators for community forest management: building-up criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management at community level: a case in Ghana]
Criteria & indicators for community forest management: building-up criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management at community level: a case in Ghana
CIFOR's existing set of criteria and indicators (C&I) was evaluated during a workshop in the Bulungan research forest, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. It has been recognized that CIFOR's biodiversity C&I were too academic and were impractical for field application. This report presents: a) review and...
Poulsen, J.
[Field test of CIFOR’s ecological criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management: Bulungan Research Forest East Kalimantan, Indonesia 1-12 September 1999]
Field test of CIFOR’s ecological criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management: Bulungan Research Forest East Kalimantan, Indonesia 1-12 September 1999
The research was carried out with the general objectives of contributing to the definition of sustainable forest management in the region of Central America, determining guidelines for the ecological sustainability of forest management that include elements for adaptive management and developing ...
McGinley, K.
Finegan, B.
[Evaluacion de la sostenibilidad para el manejo forestal: determinacion de un estandard integrato y adaptativo para la evaluacion de la sostenibilidad ecologica del manejo forestal en Costa Rica]
Evaluacion de la sostenibilidad para el manejo forestal: determinacion de un estandard integrato y adaptativo para la evaluacion de la sostenibilidad ecologica del manejo forestal en Costa Rica
The research was carried out with the general objectives of contributing to the definition of sustainable forest management in the region of Central America, determining guidelines for the ecological sustainability of forest management that include elements for adaptive management and developing ...
McGinley, K.
Finegan, B.
[Evaluations for sustainable forest management: towards an adaptive standard for the evaluation of the ecological sustainability of forest management in Costa Rica]
Evaluations for sustainable forest management: towards an adaptive standard for the evaluation of the ecological sustainability of forest management in Costa Rica
The Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) Criteria and Indicators (C&I) research responded to an international demand for science to help clarify the assessment of sustainable forest management through development and improvement of C&I. C&I help define standards for sustainable fore...
Spilsbury, M.J.
[The sustainability of forest management: assessing the impact of CIFOR criteria and indicators research]
The sustainability of forest management: assessing the impact of CIFOR criteria and indicators research
The manual reflects the results of a 3-year participatory learning process that comprised many meetings, workshops, village case studies, a baseline survey of 20 poor villages, two monitoring trials in another 20 villages, and a full monitoring survey of all 223 villages in Kutai Barat. The princ...
Cahyat, A.
Gonner, C.
Haug, M.
[Assessing household poverty and wellbeing: a manual with examples from Kutai Barat, Indonesia]
Assessing household poverty and wellbeing: a manual with examples from Kutai Barat, Indonesia
If one is of the mindset that the world is fundamentally chaotic and irrational, then the discpline of economics probably has little to offer. But if one accepts the notion that there is some method to the apparent madness of individuals, governments and organizations, then economic inquiry does ...
Cahyat, A.
Gonner, C.
Haug, M.
[Mengkaji kemiskinan dan kesejahteraan rumah tangga: sebuah panduan dengan contoh dari Kutai Barat, Indonesia]
Mengkaji kemiskinan dan kesejahteraan rumah tangga: sebuah panduan dengan contoh dari Kutai Barat, Indonesia
This manual provides methods for the development and evaluation of criteria and indicators (C&I) which can then be used to assess the sustainability of forest management. The manual is written primarily for researchers, people or groups interested in evaluating C&I for assessments of forests in n...
Prabhu, R.
Colfer, C.J.P.
Dudley, R.G.
[Guidelines for developing, testing and selecting criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management: a C & I developer's reference]
Guidelines for developing, testing and selecting criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management: a C & I developer's reference
This manual provides methods for the development and evaluation of criteria and indicators (C&I) which can then be used to assess the sustainability of forest management. The manual is written primarily for researchers, people or groups interested in evaluating C&I for assessments of forests in n...
Prabhu, R.
Colfer, C.J.P.
Dudley, R.G.
[Directives pour le développement, le test et la sélection de critères et indicateurs pour une gestion durable des forêts]
Directives pour le développement, le test et la sélection de critères et indicateurs pour une gestion durable des forêts