Numerous innovation platforms have been implemented to encourage the adoption of agricultural innovations and stakeholder interactions within a value chain. Yet little research has been undertaken on the design and implementation of innovation platforms focussing on issues other than market acces...
Dabiré, Der
Andrieu, Nadine
Djamen, Patrice
Coulibaly, Kalifa
Posthumus, Helena
Diallo, Amadou Mohamadoun
Medina, Karambiri
Douzet, Jean-Marie
Triomphe, Bernard
[Operationalizing an innovation platform approach for community-based participatory research on conservation agriculture in Burkina Faso]
Operationalizing an innovation platform approach for community-based participatory research on conservation agriculture in Burkina Faso
Inadequate feed and nutrition are major constraints to livestock production in sub-Saharan Africa. National and international research agencies, including the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), have developed several feed production and utilisation technologies. However, adoption ...
Gebremedhin, Berhanu
Ahmed, M.M.
Ehui, Simeon K.
[Determinants of adoption of improved forage technologies in crop-livestock mixed systems: Evidence from the highlands of Ethiopia]
Determinants of adoption of improved forage technologies in crop-livestock mixed systems: Evidence from the highlands of Ethiopia
The Caqueta region of Colombia is representative of the environmental and economic conditions prevailing in most of Colombia's Amazon region. The department of Caqueta, located in the Amazon River basin, occupies an area of 8.9 million hectares, most of it under jungle. The average annual rai...
Rivas Ríos, Libardo
Holmann, Federico J.
[Adopcion temprana de Arachis pintoi en el tropico humedo: el caso de los sistemas ganaderos de doble proposito en el Caqueta, Colombia. (Early adoption of Arachis pintoi in the humid tropics: the case of dual purpose livestock systems in Caqueta, Colombia)]
Adopcion temprana de Arachis pintoi en el tropico humedo: el caso de los sistemas ganaderos de doble proposito en el Caqueta, Colombia. (Early adoption of Arachis pintoi in the humid tropics: the case of dual purpose livestock systems in Caqueta, Colombia)
A study was conducted in two woredas, Addis Alem and Wolmera, to investigate (1) the level of farmers' awareness and adoption of recommended and demonstrated technologies; (2) the extent and intensity to which farmers have adopted these technologies; and (3) the objective and subjective factors a...
Yirga, C.
Shapiro, Barry I.
Demeke, M.
[Factors influencing adoption of new wheat techniques in Wolmera and Addis Alem areas of Ethiopia]
Factors influencing adoption of new wheat techniques in Wolmera and Addis Alem areas of Ethiopia
In the tropics, numerous organizations have promoted multipurpose fodder trees (MPFT) with an emphasis on exotic species. These species have generally been selected and recommended by the research system through the conventional nutritional and agronomic experimentation for use as animal feed and...
Mekoya, A.
Oosting, Simon J.
Fernández Rivera, S.
Zijpp, A.J. van der
[Multipurpose fodder trees in the Ethiopian highlands: Farmers' preference and relationship of indigenous knowledge of feed value with laboratory indicators]
Multipurpose fodder trees in the Ethiopian highlands: Farmers' preference and relationship of indigenous knowledge of feed value with laboratory indicators
Farmer participatory research (FPR) approaches are now considered mainstream and are especially applicable for developing appropriate technology options in complex, diverse and risk-prone regions, where local adaptations are crucial. Although the advantages of using farmer knowledge to guide scie...
Asten, Piet J.A. van
Kaaria, Susan K.
Fermont, AM
Delve, Robert J.
[Challenges and lessons when using farmer knowledge in agricultural search and development projects in Africa]
Challenges and lessons when using farmer knowledge in agricultural search and development projects in Africa
Livestock production plays a key role in tropical Latin America in a changing economic environment. This study focuses on documenting the transformations of extensive production systems by using superior forage germplasm supplied by regional research systems.
The adoption of improved Brachiaria ...
Holmann, Federico J.
Rivas Ríos, Libardo
Argel M., Pedro J.
Pérez, E.
[Impact of the adoption of Brachiaria grasses: Central America and Mexico]
Impact of the adoption of Brachiaria grasses: Central America and Mexico
L‘intégration des légumineuses fixatrices d‘azote dans les systèmes techniques de production a donné lieu à de nombreux travaux de recherche destinés à améliorer ou restaurer la fertilité des terres, mais très peu de ces systèmes techniques sont vraiment appropriés par les paysans en Afrique de l...
Carsky, R.J.
Douthwaite, Boru
Manyong, Victor M.
Sanginga, Nteranya
Schulz, S.
Vanlauwe, Bernard
Diels, J.
Keatinge, J.D.H.
[Amélioration de la gestion des sols par l'introduction de légumineuses dans les systèmes céréaliers des savanes africaines]
Amélioration de la gestion des sols par l'introduction de légumineuses dans les systèmes céréaliers des savanes africaines
Wunscher, T.
Schultze-Kraft, Rainer
Peters, Michael
Rivas Ríos, Libardo
[Early adoption of the tropical forage legume Arachis pintoi in Huetar Norte, Costa Rica]
Early adoption of the tropical forage legume Arachis pintoi in Huetar Norte, Costa Rica
Lascano, Carlos E.
Peters, Michael
Holmann, Federico J.
[Arachis pintoi in the humid tropics of Colombia : A forage legume success story]
Arachis pintoi in the humid tropics of Colombia : A forage legume success story