Technological advances allow us to tap into genetic resources to address food and nutritional security in the face of population growth, urbanization, climate change, and environmental degradation. It is vital, particularly for developing countries, to ensure that the policy framework regulating ...
Skutsch, M.
Bird, N.
Trines, E.
Dutschke, M.
Frumhoff, P.
Jong, B.H.J. de
Laake, P. van
Masera, O.
Murdiyarso, Daniel
[Clearing the way for reducing emissions from tropical deforestation]
Clearing the way for reducing emissions from tropical deforestation
Schlamadinger, B.
[A synopsis of land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) under the Kyoto Protocol and Marrakech Accords]
A synopsis of land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) under the Kyoto Protocol and Marrakech Accords
Dulloo, M.E.
Thormann, I.
Fiorino, E.
Felice, S. de
Rao, V.R.
Snook, L.K.
[Trends in research using plant genetic resources from germplasm collections: from 1996 to 2006.]
Trends in research using plant genetic resources from germplasm collections: from 1996 to 2006.
Zonneveld, M. van
Loo, J.
Maselli, S.
Madrid, J.J.
Echeverría, J.L.
[Bridging molecular genetics and participatory research: how access and benefit-sharing stimulate interdisciplinary research for tropical biology and conservation]
Bridging molecular genetics and participatory research: how access and benefit-sharing stimulate interdisciplinary research for tropical biology and conservation
The World Heritage Convention has been ratified by 158 countries and provides an international legal regime for the conservation of sites of global, cultural or natural value. There are 33 tropical forest sites listed under the convention, mainly for their global biodiversity value. They constitu...
Sayer, Jeffrey A.
Ishwaran, N.
Thorsell, J.
Sigaty, T.
[Tropical forest biodiversity and the world heritage convention]
Tropical forest biodiversity and the world heritage convention
Xiaoyong Zhang
[Access to plant genetics resources for food and agriculture and benefit sharing in China: legal framework, current practices and future developments]
Access to plant genetics resources for food and agriculture and benefit sharing in China: legal framework, current practices and future developments
Halewood, Michael
[What kind of goods are plant genetic resources for food and agriculture? Towards the identification and development of a new global commons]
What kind of goods are plant genetic resources for food and agriculture? Towards the identification and development of a new global commons
Conventional emphasis on basin-wide water management has often resulted in the formation of transboundary water law on the basin or near basin scale. In Central Asia, however, the Syr Darya Basin possesses an abundance of tributary-level cooperative agreements that guide and codify water sharing ...
Holmatov, Bunyod
Lautze, Jonathan
Kazbekov, Jusipbek S.
[Tributary-level transboundary water law in the Syr Darya: overlooked stories of practical water cooperation]
Tributary-level transboundary water law in the Syr Darya: overlooked stories of practical water cooperation
International concern about illegal forestry activities has grown markedly. Asian, African, and European governments have held high-level regional conferences on Forest Law Enforcement and Governance (FLEG). Indonesia has signed path-breaking Memoranda of Understanding on illegal logging with the...