In the past decades, both upstream and downstream countries ofthe Blue Nile Basin (BNB) had developed and adopted several policies and strategies related to land and water management. Yet there are important policy and institutional gaps that irnpeded adoption of improved land and water managemen...
Haileslassie, Amare
Hagos, Fitsum
Awulachew, Seleshi Bekele
Peden, Donald G.
Ahmed, A.A.
Gebreselassie, S.
Tafesse, T.
Mapedza, Everisto
Mukherji, Aditi
[Institutions and policy in the Blue Nile Basin: understanding challenges and opportunities for improved land and water management.]
Institutions and policy in the Blue Nile Basin: understanding challenges and opportunities for improved land and water management.
The effects of different types of land management on the soil macroinvertebrate communities on acid soil savannas of Colombia have been assessed using the Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility Program (TSBF) methodology. Invertebrates were identified among broad taxonomic units, TU (Orders or Famil...
Decaëns, Thibaud
Lavelle, Patrick M.
Jiménez Jaén, J.J.
Escobar, G.
Rippstein, G
Schneidmadl, J
Sanz Scovino, José Ignacio
Hoyos, P.
Thomas, Richard J.
[Impact of land management on soil macrofauna in the Eastern plains of Colombia]
Impact of land management on soil macrofauna in the Eastern plains of Colombia
This was especially due to the presence of a large glossoscolecid anecic species, Martiodrilus carimaguensis Jim\233nez and Moreno, which has been greatly favored by conversion of savanna to pasture. Endogeic species were dominant in the natural savanna whereas the anecic species accounted for th...
Jiménez Jaén, J.J.
Moreno, Alonso
Decaëns, Thibaud
Lavelle, Patrick M.
Fisher, Myles J.
Thomas, Richard J.
[Earthworms communities in native savannas and man-made pastures of the Eastern plains of Colombia]
Earthworms communities in native savannas and man-made pastures of the Eastern plains of Colombia
This paper summarises some of the prevailing issues and challenges in relation to forests and water. It highlights some of the key constraints to the utilisation of existing knowledge. Hydrological processes may be well understood at a plot level, or for a single particular land use/landcover typ...
Spilsbury, M.J.
[Forests, water and mixed land use mosaics in developing countries: making research solutions effective]
Forests, water and mixed land use mosaics in developing countries: making research solutions effective
Nicol, Alan
Langan, Simon J.
Victor, Michael
Gonsalves, Julian
[Sustaining landscapes: Improving land and water management]
Sustaining landscapes: Improving land and water management
Nicol, Alan
Langan, Simon J.
Victor, Michael
Gonsalves, Julian
[Sustaining landscapes: Thirty years’ learning to improve rainwater and land management in the Blue Nile basin of Ethiopia.]
Sustaining landscapes: Thirty years’ learning to improve rainwater and land management in the Blue Nile basin of Ethiopia.
Hundie, H.
Mesfine, A.
Ayele, H.
[Conserving soils: Bench terrace construction: Ensuring sustainable land management and creating a source of income for the youth]
Conserving soils: Bench terrace construction: Ensuring sustainable land management and creating a source of income for the youth
Adimassu, Zenebe
[Constraining the constraints: factors affecting farmers’ investment in climate-smart land management]
Constraining the constraints: factors affecting farmers’ investment in climate-smart land management
Oyono, P.R.
Morelli, T.L
Sayer, Jeffrey A.
Makon, S
Djeukam, R.
Hatcher, J
Assembe-Mvondo, S.
Steil, M
Douard, P.
Bigombé, P
Kapa, F
Lima, R
Makak, J.S
Tessa, B
Mbouna, D
Feintrenie, L.
Nkoua, M
Ndikumagenge, C
Ntabirorere, S
Eyang, F.E.
[Affectation et utilisation des terres forestières: Evolutions actuelles, problèmes et perspectives]
Affectation et utilisation des terres forestières: Evolutions actuelles, problèmes et perspectives
Kapos, V
Kurz, W.A
Gardner, T
Ferreira, J
Guariguata, M.R.
Koh, L.P.
Mansourian, S
Parrotta, J.A
Sasaki, N
Schmitt, C.B
Barlow, J.
Kanninen, M
Okabe, K
Pan, Y
Thompson, I.D.
Vliet, N. van
[impact of forest and land management on biodiversity and carbon]
impact of forest and land management on biodiversity and carbon