Andropogon gayanus es una nueva especie de gramínea para América Latina, liberada formalmente en cinco países. Actualmente, fuentes de semilla comercial se están incrementando y comercializando lo cual exige el conocimiento y la disponibilidad de medidas de calidad. Las espiguillas se forman en p...
Near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) analysis was used to discriminate soils of different agroecosystems in Colombia, with different contents and qualities of organic matter, chemical, and biological properties.
Correlations were sought between absorbance in wavelength classes as determ...
Velásquez, E.
Lavelle, Patrick M.
Barrios, E.
Joffre, R
Reversat, F
[Evaluating soil quality in tropical agroecosystems of Colombia using NIRS]
Evaluating soil quality in tropical agroecosystems of Colombia using NIRS
Soil erosion caused by water is an increasing global problem. Land use and soil conservation planning for large areas requires erosion risk maps, which are typically created using erosion models. These models are often developed for different regions than where they are applied. This paper descri...
Vrieling, A
[Erosion risk mapping: A methodological case study in the Colombian eastern plains]
Erosion risk mapping: A methodological case study in the Colombian eastern plains
The Digital Elevation Model that has been derived from the February 2000 Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) has been one of the most important publicly available new spatial data sets in recent years. However, the ‘finished’ grade version of the data (also referred to as Version 2) still con...
Reuter, HI
Nelson, A.
Jarvis, Andy
[An evaluation of void-filling interpolation methods for SRTM data]
An evaluation of void-filling interpolation methods for SRTM data
Escobar, Germán
Fujisaka, Sam
Veneklaas, Erik Jan
[Nuevo método para la evaluación rápida de la biodiversidad de plantas en diferentes usos de tierras]
Nuevo método para la evaluación rápida de la biodiversidad de plantas en diferentes usos de tierras
Aricapa, María Girlena
Correa Victoria, Fernando J.
[Almacenamiento de hongos sobre el papel filtro]
Almacenamiento de hongos sobre el papel filtro