The effective design and implementation of interventions that reduce vulnerability and
poverty require a solid understanding of underlying poverty dynamics and associated
behavioral responses. Stochastic and dynamic benefit streams can make it difficult for the
poor to learn the value of such int...
Lybbert, T.J.
Galarza, F.B.
McPeak, J.G.
Barrett, Christopher B.
Boucher, S.
Carter, M.R.
Chantarat, P.
Fadlaoui, A.
Mude, Andrew G.
[Dynamic field experiments in development economics: Risk valuation in Morocco, Kenya and Peru]
Dynamic field experiments in development economics: Risk valuation in Morocco, Kenya and Peru
Bovine babesiosis has been identified clinically in many areas of Morocco. A seroepidemiological survey of B. bigemina infection was conducted in the 5 main dairy cattle areas in order to estimate the prevalence of the infection. A total of 1819 bovine sera was tested using ELISA to identify ani...
El-Haj, N.
Kachani, M.
Ouhelli, H.
Bouslikhane, M.
Ahami, A.T.
El-Guennouni, R.
El-Hasnaoui, M.
Katende, J.M.
Morzaria, S.P.
[Etudes epidemiologiques sur Babesia bigemina au Maroc. (Epidemiological studies of Babesia bigemina infection in Morocco)]
Etudes epidemiologiques sur Babesia bigemina au Maroc. (Epidemiological studies of Babesia bigemina infection in Morocco)
A breeding soundness examination (BSE) involving animal physical examination, scrotal circumference (SC) and semen evaluation was undertaken on 80 Ile-de-France rams at a government breeding farm, 32 km south-west of Casablanca (Morocco) from March to May 1988. A large percentage of rams (21.4 pe...
Toe, F.
Lahlou-Kassi, A.
Mukasa-Mugerwa, E.
[Semen characteristics of Ile-de-France rams of different age and physical condition]
Semen characteristics of Ile-de-France rams of different age and physical condition
Paper presented at the expert committee meeting on animal genetic resources in Africa, 1983. Presents a brief review of sheep and goats in Morocco. Data on various sheep breeds, their production and reproductive performance and constraints on productivity included.
The present article describes rural poultry production systems in Morocco and the role of scavenging chicken in the rural household economy. An extensive survey was conducted aiming to characterize rural poultry farming in order to determine the main constraints to its development and suggest pra...
United Nations Environment Programme
African Development Bank
[Atlas des ressources en énergie de l'Afrique]
[Atlas of Africa Energy Resources]
Atlas of Africa Energy Resources
United Nations Environment Programme
[The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Energy Finance - [Factsheet]]
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Energy Finance - [Factsheet]
Yousry, Samir
[Développement de la filière de valorisation des Batteries Usagées au Maroc]
Développement de la filière de valorisation des Batteries Usagées au Maroc