Assessing the impact of integrated natural resource management (INRM) research poses a challenge to scientists. The complexity of INRM interventions requires a more holistic approach to impact assessment, beyond the plot and farm levels and beyond traditional analysis of economic returns. Impact ...
Gottret, María Verónica
White, D.
[Assessing the impact of integrated natural resource management: Challenges and experiences]
Assessing the impact of integrated natural resource management: Challenges and experiences
Making decisions in natural resource management involves an understanding of the risk and uncertainty of the outcomes, such as crop failure or cattle starvation, and of the normal spread of the expected production. Hedging against poor outcomes often means lack of investment and slow adoption of ...
Jones, Peter G.
Thornton, Philip K.
[Spatial modeling of risk in natural resource management]
Spatial modeling of risk in natural resource management
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[Investigación para el crecimiento sostenible de la producción agrícola : CIAT en los años 90]
Investigación para el crecimiento sostenible de la producción agrícola : CIAT en los años 90
This is a Web site of the international workshop on Integrated Management for Sustainable Agriculture. The workshop was convened by CIAT on behalf of the CGIAR Center Directors Task Force on INRM, and had the following objectives: (1) to provide a forum for the exchange, publication, and dissemin...
Programa Alianzia Cambio Andino
[Temas de incidencia política y metodologías Particativas]
Temas de incidencia política y metodologías Particativas
Advances and travails of CIAT scientists as they develop and implement an impact assessment (IA) framework for three integrated natural resources management (INRM) sites in Latin America (hillsides, savannas and forest margins) is presented. Also, the importance and growing interest of IA for INR...
Gottret, María Verónica
White, D.
[Assessing the impact of integrated natural resources management: CIAT challenges and experiences]
Assessing the impact of integrated natural resources management: CIAT challenges and experiences
Ravnborg, Helle Munk
Guerrero, MDP
Westermann, Olaf
[Collective action for managing natural resources: a manual for identifying stakeholders]
Collective action for managing natural resources: a manual for identifying stakeholders
Agredo, Maria Juliana
Hernández, Luis Alfredo
Fonseca, Cristina
Haan, Stef de
García, Daniel
Ruiz, Raúl
Maldonado, Luís
[De la exclusión a la inclusión tecnológica agropecuaria]
De la exclusión a la inclusión tecnológica agropecuaria
Villarroel Coca, TF
Díaz, D.
Polar, V.
Perry Rubio, S
Rotondo Dall'Orso, E
[Las comunidades lideran su desarrollo]
Las comunidades lideran su desarrollo