This is about the first steps in a study on poverty alleviation and the question whether
participatory interventions make a significant contribution to the empowerment of poor
Andean farmers. Participatory methods of intervention have been applied now for many
years in many development projects, ...
Zuger Caceres, Regula
[Participatory development projects in the Andes - looking for empowerment with Q-Methodology]
Participatory development projects in the Andes - looking for empowerment with Q-Methodology
It is widely recognized that conventional plant breeding has been more beneficial
to farmers in high potential environments or those who could profitably modify
their environment to suit new cultivars, than to the poorest farmers who could not
afford to modify their environment through the applic...
Programme monitoring and evaluation (M&E) presents a lot of challenges, especially
when one adds to this process the dimensions of participation, partnership and learning.
Then, the whole process becomes much more complicated. The PROLINNOVA M&E is a
shared evolving process continuously sharpened...
Espineli, Marissa
Waters-Bayer, Ann
[Participatory process of developing performance indicators in a global partnership programme: the case of PROLINNOVA]
Participatory process of developing performance indicators in a global partnership programme: the case of PROLINNOVA
For the last decade or so, participatory research has become an attractive mechanism
for conducting adaptive agricultural research. This is mainly motivated by the
perception that closer association with resource-poor farmers in identifying the
problem and involving them in research implementatio...
Aw-Hassan, Aden A.
[The challenges on out-scaling participatory methods in agricultural research]
The challenges on out-scaling participatory methods in agricultural research
This paper discusses the notion of farmer empowerment as a primary objective of participatory
research. The authors argue that agricultural technologies are adapted - not adopted – through a
social and cultural process which includes the transformation of the technology. Farmer
participation in a...
Hellin, J.
Badstue, L.
Bellon, M.
[Participatory research: a catalyst for greater impact]
Participatory research: a catalyst for greater impact
Mayanja, S.
Akello, B.
Horton, D.
Kisauzi, D.
Magala, D.
[Value-chain development in Uganda: lessons learnt from the Participatory Market Chain Approach (PMCA).]
Value-chain development in Uganda: lessons learnt from the Participatory Market Chain Approach (PMCA).
Our project explaining seasonal forecasting to farmers in central Senegal built common ground between scientific forecasting and traditional knowledge. It helped farmers understand and use seasonal forecasts to improve crop strategies, and let farmers explain to meteorologists what seasonal clima...
Ndiaye, Ousmane
Moussa, Abdoulaye S.
Seck, M.
Zougmoré, Robert B.
Hansen, James
[Communicating seasonal forecasts to farmers in Kaffrine, Senegal for better agricultural management]
Communicating seasonal forecasts to farmers in Kaffrine, Senegal for better agricultural management
Over the last twelve years, FIELD Indonesia staff has been using various participatory approaches
towards measuring impact of its interventions, mainly in the framework of its involvement under
FAO Community Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in Asia program. Since 2002, FIELD is one of
the partner...
Wienarto, Nugroho
Kuswara, Engkus
Hakim, Arief
[Picturing impact of the PEDIGREA program: a case study from Indramayu, Indonesia]
Picturing impact of the PEDIGREA program: a case study from Indramayu, Indonesia
This workshop explored the feasibility and methods for complementing farmer experts' knowledge and skills in the enhancement and conservation of agrobiodiversity.
Participatory plant breeding exploits the potential gains of breeding for specific adaptation through decentralized selection. This article describes a model of participatory plant breeding in which genetic variability is generated by professional breeders, selection is conducted jointly by breed...
Ceccarelli, Salvatore
Grando, Stefania
[Decentralized-participatory plant breeding: an example of demand driven research]
Decentralized-participatory plant breeding: an example of demand driven research