Intensification is a key strategy for smallholder farmers in Central America, and improved forages can play a significant role. To facilitate adoption of forages a spatial decision support system (SDSS) is under development to target forage species to particular biophysical, socio-economic and ma...
O'Brien, R.
Peters, Michael
Cook, Simon E.
Corner, Robert J.
[Helping farmers select forage species in Central America: The case for a decision support system]
Helping farmers select forage species in Central America: The case for a decision support system
En cinco muestras de semillas de B. dictyoneura cosechadas en la misma época en Colombia, Panamá y Costa Rica, se evaluó el efecto de tres niveles de calor seco (ambiente, 40 y 60°C) y tres tiempos de exposición (0, 72 y 240 h) aplicados a uno y tres meses poscosecha en espiguillas completas o es...
Sánchez, M.S.
López, Y.
Ferguson, John E.
[Dinámica de la latencia en semillas de Brachiaria dictyoneura (Fig & Not) stapf cv llanero]
Dinámica de la latencia en semillas de Brachiaria dictyoneura (Fig & Not) stapf cv llanero
In the past, adoption of forage technologies has been poor. This paper considers the reasons for this low level of adoption and how the situation has changed in recent years. Experiences, mostly in south-east Asia and some in east Africa, have shown that participatory approaches in the developmen...
Roothaert, Ralph L.
Horne, P.
Stür, Werner W.
[Integrating forage technologies on smallholder farms in the upland tropics]
Integrating forage technologies on smallholder farms in the upland tropics
En este escrito se discuten estrategias de mejoramiento integral (i.e. susceptibilidad a factores bióticos y abióticos y calidad nutritiva) de gramíneas a través de métodos convencionales y se enumeran los factores que se deberían tener en cuenta para asegurar el éxito de programas de mejoramient...
Lascano, Carlos E.
[Caracterización de las pasturas para maximizar producción animal = Characterization of pastures to maximize animal production]
Caracterización de las pasturas para maximizar producción animal = Characterization of pastures to maximize animal production
Iwanaga, Masaru
Maass, Brigitte L.
Hidalgo, Rigoberto J.
[Plant genetic resources : the key to CIAT`s mission to help national agricultural systems]
Plant genetic resources : the key to CIAT`s mission to help national agricultural systems
Roothaert, Ralph L.
[The role of farmers in spreading new forages technologies in East Kalimantan]
The role of farmers in spreading new forages technologies in East Kalimantan