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Autor: Devendra, C.

Smallholder dairy production systems in developing countries are discussed with reference to type of systems, their characteristics, potential, and opportunities for improvement. Three types of dairy systems are identified and described: smallholder systems, smallholder cooperative dairy producti...

Devendra, C.[Smallholder dairy production systems in developing countries: Characteristics, potential and opportunities for improvement. Review]Smallholder dairy production systems in developing countries: Characteristics, potential and opportunities for improvement. Review
Autor: Taddese, G.

Land degradation is a great threat for the future and it requires great effort and resources to ameliorate. The major causes of land degradation in Ethiopia are the rapid population increase, severe soil loss, deforestation, low vegetative cover and unbalanced crop and livestock production. Inapp...

Taddese, G.[Land degradation: A challenge to Ethiopia]Land degradation: A challenge to Ethiopia
Autor: Jutzi, S.C.

On the basis of an analysis of 2127 reports on animal feed research and development from seven national programmes in eastern and southern Africa, this paper intends to give a profile of animal feed research in the area since meaningful records have been available, to establish major trends in th...

Jutzi, S.C.[Animal feed research in eastern and southern Africa; priorities and trends]Animal feed research in eastern and southern Africa; priorities and trends

A single visit questionnaire survey was undertaken on 50 cattle owners in Oyo state, south western Nigeria. Data were collected on grazing patterns, calving dates, calf mortalities and attitudes to the N'Dama breed and its crosses with Bunaji cattle. All cattle herds had similar grazing patterns,...

Jode, A. deReynolds, L.Matthewman, R.W.[Cattle production systems in the derived savannah and southern Guinea savannah regions of Oyo state, southern Nigeria]Cattle production systems in the derived savannah and southern Guinea savannah regions of Oyo state, southern Nigeria

In sub-Saharan Africa, unexploited land and water resources in wetlands represent an important potential for intensified, sustainable and food-secure farms through rice production and market gardening. The lack of uptake of cropping in wetlands may be related to the ways in which resources are di...

Paresys, L.Malézieux, E.Huat, J.Kropff, K.J.Rossing, W.A.H.[Between all-for-one and each-for-himself: On-farm competition for labour as determinant of wetland cropping in two Beninese villages]Between all-for-one and each-for-himself: On-farm competition for labour as determinant of wetland cropping in two Beninese villages

Agriculture in the dry savannas is intensifying in response to increasing populations of humans and livestock. As a result, increased productivity demands are placed upon integrated crop-livestock systems and more emphasis is on the roles of legumes such as cowpea. Cowpea has the potential to fun...

Tarawali, Shirley A.Singh, B.B.Gupta, S.C.Tabo, RamadjitaHarris, F.Nokoe, S.Fernández Rivera, S.Bationo, B. AndréManyong, Victor M.Makinde, K.Odion, E.C.[Cowpea as a key factor for a new approach to integrated crop-livestock systems research in the dry savannas of West Africa]Cowpea as a key factor for a new approach to integrated crop-livestock systems research in the dry savannas of West Africa

This paper presents some strategies for feed improvement to support intensification of ruminant production in the Ethiopian highlands. It looks into feed availability, and outlines feed intensification strategies. Opportunities for feed improvement and management, feed improvement in intensified ...

Mohamed-Saleem, M.A.Tedla, A.[Feed improvement to support intensification of ruminant production systems in the Ethiopian highlands]Feed improvement to support intensification of ruminant production systems in the Ethiopian highlands

In Colombia, cattle production is responsible for 31% of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the agricultural sector. Dairy farms account for 15% of the Colombian cattle herd. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of GHG emissions from these farms are not common, and when performed, are based on a small nu...

González Quintero, RicardoBarahona-Rosales, RolandoChirinda, NgonidzasheArango, JacoboPantevez, Heiber AlexanderBolívar Vergara, Diana MaríaSánchez Pinzón, María Solange[Life Cycle Assessment of small, medium and large dairy cattle farms in Colombia]Life Cycle Assessment of small, medium and large dairy cattle farms in Colombia

The marketing systems in sub-Saharan Africa have been alleged to be inefficient, yet relatively little research has been done on marketing efficiency. This study investigates the efficiency of fresh milk marketing in the Bamako area of Mali. A sample of 105 dairy market participants made up of pr...

Achuonjei, P.N.Debrah, S.K.[Efficiency of fresh milk marketing systems in the Bamako area: some preliminary results]Efficiency of fresh milk marketing systems in the Bamako area: some preliminary results

Examines ILCA's research on forage legumes in the past few years; discusses the potential role of forage legumes in increasing crop-livestock productivity in sub-Saharan Africa; and outlines priorities for future research.

Nnadi, L.A.Haque, I.[Les legumineuses fourrageres dans les systemes Africains d'agriculture mixte]Les legumineuses fourrageres dans les systemes Africains d'agriculture mixte

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