Irrigated agriculture and inland fisheries both make important contributions to food security, nutrition, livelihoods and wellbeing. Typically, in modern irrigation systems, these components operate independently. Some practices, commonly associated with water use and intensification of crop prod...
Lynch, A.J.
Baumgartner, Lee J.
Boys, C.A.
Conallin, J.
Cowx, I.G.
Finlayson, C. Max
Franklin, P.A.
Hogan, Z.
Koehn, J.D.
McCartney, Matthew P.
O’Brien, G.
Phouthavong, K.
Silva, L.G.M.
Tob, C.A.
Valbo-Jorgensen, J.
Vu, A.V.
Whiting, L.
Wibowo, A.
Duncan, P.
[Speaking the same language: can the Sustainable Development Goals translate the needs of inland fisheries into irrigation decisions?]
Speaking the same language: can the Sustainable Development Goals translate the needs of inland fisheries into irrigation decisions?
Mainstreaming gender in water governance through “how to do gender” toolkits has long been a development focus. It has been widely argued that such toolkits simplify the complex, nuanced realities of inequalities by gender in relation to water and fail to pay attention to the fact that the propos...
Shrestha, Gitta
Joshi, Deepa
Clement, Floriane
[Masculinities and hydropower in India: a feminist political ecology perspective]
Masculinities and hydropower in India: a feminist political ecology perspective
Phosphorus (P) is a critical, geographically concentrated, nonrenewable resource necessary to support global food production. In excess (e.g., due to runoff or wastewater discharges), P is also a primary cause of eutrophication. To reconcile the simultaneous shortage and overabundance of P, lost ...
Mayer, B.K.
Baker, L.A.
Boyer, T.H.
Drechsel, Pay
Gifford, M.
Hanjra, Munir A.
[Total value of phosphorus recovery]
Total value of phosphorus recovery
Sustainable Development Goals offer an opportunity to improve human well-being while conserving natural resources. Ecosystem services highlight human well-being benefits ecosystems, including agricultural ecosystems, provides. Whereas agricultural systems produce the majority of our food, they dr...
DeClerck, Fabrice A.J.
Jones, S.K.
Attwood, S.
Bossio, Deborah A.
Girvetz, Evan H.
Chaplin-Kramer, B.
Enfors, E.
Fremier, Alexander K.
Gordon, L.J.
Kizito, Fred
Noriega, I.L.
Matthews, Nathaniel
McCartney, Matthew P.
Meacham, M.
Noble, A.D.
Quintero, Marcela
Remans, S.
Soppe, R.
Willemen, L.
Wood, S.L.R.
Zhang, W.
[Agricultural ecosystems and their services: the vanguard of sustainability?]
Agricultural ecosystems and their services: the vanguard of sustainability?
State control of land plays a critical role in producing land dispossession throughout the Global South. In Myanmar, the state’s approach towards territorial expansion has driven the country’s system of land governance, resulting in widespread and systemic land grabbing. This article investigates...
Suhardiman, Diana
Kenney-Lazar, M.
Meinzen-Dick, R.
[The contested terrain of land governance reform in Myanmar]
The contested terrain of land governance reform in Myanmar
The Decentralised Water reform process in Zimbabwe has largely been informed by the Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) process based on the 1992 Dublin Principles onWater. The attempt to reform one sector (water), under the IWRM rubric, when other key sectors are in disarray (agricultur...
Mapedza, Everisto
Manzungu, Emmanuel
Rosen, T.
Ncube, P.
Koppen, Barbara C.M. van
[Decentralised water governance in Zimbabwe: disorder within order]
Decentralised water governance in Zimbabwe: disorder within order
Clement, Floriane
Harcourt, W.J.
Joshi, Deepa
Sato, C.
[Feminist political ecologies of the commons and commoning]
Feminist political ecologies of the commons and commoning
We estimated household income diversification in settlement types of the poorest provinces in South Africa – the Eastern Cape, Limpopo and KwaZulu-Natal. We obtained data from the 2010/2011 Income and Expenditure Survey from Statistics South Africa and Wave 3 data from the National Income Dynamic...
Mathebula, J.
Jonas, S.
Nhemachena, Charles
[Estimation of household income diversification in South Africa: a case study of three provinces]
Estimation of household income diversification in South Africa: a case study of three provinces
The Eastern Gangetic Plains of South Asia represents a peripheral region far from the centers of global capitalist production, and this is all the more apparent in Mithilanchal, a cultural domain spanning the Nepal/Bihar border. The agrarian structure can be considered ‘semi-feudal’ in character,...
Sugden, Fraser
[A mode of production flux: the transformation and reproduction of rural class relations in lowland Nepal and North Bihar]
A mode of production flux: the transformation and reproduction of rural class relations in lowland Nepal and North Bihar
Groundwater use for agriculture has the potential to improve rural households’ income and reduce poverty, but the linkages are not always straightforward. Taking Laos as a case study, this article illustrates how differential access to water, land, and capital shape farmers’ livelihood strategies...
Suhardiman, Diana
Pavelic, Paul
Keovilignavong, Oulavanh
Giordano, Mark
[Putting farmers’ strategies in the center of agricultural groundwater use in the Vientiane Plain, Laos]
Putting farmers’ strategies in the center of agricultural groundwater use in the Vientiane Plain, Laos