This paper reviews natural resource governance in Zimbabwe’s peasant sector from colonial to post-colonial times. Governance is considered within the framework of power, process and practice and how these shaped peasant access, control and use of natural resources. Colonial natural resource gover...
Mandondo, A.
[Situating Zimbabwe's natural resource governance systems in history]
Situating Zimbabwe's natural resource governance systems in history
The main challenge that the Amazon region poses is what should be done to avoid that the region will follow the fate of other tropical regions: forest destruction and poverty. The fact that most of 80 percent of the region remains as forest leaves us the opportunity to build the way towards susta...
Alencar, A.
Nepstad, D.C.
McGrath, D.
Moutinho, P.
Pacheco, P.
Carmen Vera Diaz, M. del
Soares Filho, B.
[Desmatamento na Amazonia: indo alem da "emergencia cronica"]
Desmatamento na Amazonia: indo alem da "emergencia cronica"
Indonesia contains some of the world's most biodiverse and threatened forests. The challenges result from both long-term management problems and the political, social, and economic turmoil of the past few years. This book explores recent events in Indonesia, while focusing on what can be done dif...
Colfer, C.J.P.
Resosudarmo, I.A.P.
[Which way forward?: people, forests, and policymaking in Indonesia]
Which way forward?: people, forests, and policymaking in Indonesia
Local government is built around careful and illuminating case studies of the effects of devolution policies on the management of forests in several Asian countries. The studies demonstrate that devolution policies - contrary to the claims of governments - have actually increased governmental con...
Edmunds, D.
Wollenberg, Eva K.
[Local forest management: the impacts of devolution policies]
Local forest management: the impacts of devolution policies
This book looks at the role of municipal governments in lowland Bolivia in forest management since passage of a popular participation law in 1994 and a new forestry law in 1996. It covers issues related to logging, protected area management, land use planning, indigenous territories, and non-timb...
Forest-based conflict is one of the major global challenges for the international forestry agenda together with poverty, climate change, conservation, and biofuels. In this paper, we will estimate the scope of the problem for people and forests, identify the role of forest rights and tenure as pa...
Koning, R.G. de
Capistrano, D.
Yasmi, Y.
Cerutti, P.O.
[Forest-related conflict: impacts, links and measures to mitigate]
Forest-related conflict: impacts, links and measures to mitigate
This paper looks at the experience of designing and implementing policy reforms in the Bolivian forestry sector. It does not attemp to evaluate the process of reform itself but rather to examine the main obstacles faced in its planning and implementation and how the lessons of the Bolivian experi...
Contreras-Hermosilla, A.
Vargas Rios, M.T.
[Social, environmental and economic dimensions of forest policy reforms in Bolivia]
Social, environmental and economic dimensions of forest policy reforms in Bolivia
This book presents an empirical analysis of the development processes and the economic of Brazilian Amazon deforestation using a large data set of ecological and economic variables. It presents summary statistics and analyse trends for a number of important variables as well as developing econome...
Andersen, L.E.
Granger, C.W.J.
Reis, E.J.
Weinhold, D.
Wunder, Sven
[The dynamic of deforestation and economic growth in the Brazilian Amazon]
The dynamic of deforestation and economic growth in the Brazilian Amazon
After about a hundred years of exclusive government control, forests in India are now being increasingly managed with people’s participation. Almost all states in India have passed enabling resolutions to facilitate what is now popularly called the Joint Forest Management (JFM) programme. However...
In some countries, honey and beeswax are so important the term ‘beekeeping’ appears in the titles of some government ministries. The significance of honey and beeswax in local livelihoods is nowhere more apparent than in the Miombo woodlands of southern Africa. Bee-keeping is a vital source of in...
Mickels-Kokwe, G.
[Small-scale woodland-based enterprises with outstanding economic potential: the case of honey in Zambia]
Small-scale woodland-based enterprises with outstanding economic potential: the case of honey in Zambia