This paper describes the general situation and the existing problems of the extension of new cassava varieties, agronomic practices as well as processing technologies under the conditions of highly intensive agriculture in China.
Cassava has been cultivated in China for over 170 years. Its produc...
Lin, Xiong
Li, Kaimian
[Methods and strategies for cassava technology transfer in China]
Methods and strategies for cassava technology transfer in China
In Vietnam, extension activities are considered by the government as an urgent and longterm measure, that has a great influence on the production process of farmer commodity production. Among extension objectives, cassava production is given great importance in those areas where appropriate condi...
Hoang, Kim
Tran, Van Son
Nguyen, Van Thang
Tran, Ngoc Quyen
Ao, Van Thinh
[On-farm research and transfer of technology for cassava production in Vietnam]
On-farm research and transfer of technology for cassava production in Vietnam
After several years of conducting research in cassava, the Philippine Root Crop Research and Training Center (PRCRTC) developed technologies that may raise the crop's potential and help uplift the welfare of Filipino farmers, processors and consumers. To fully tap this potential, PRCRTC, in coope...
Gundaya, Editha A.
Evangelio, Fernando A.
Sanico, R.T.
Roa, J.R.
Orias, Ramón R.
Ramírez, M.C.U.
[Cassava technology transfer in the Philippines]
Cassava technology transfer in the Philippines
Malgre la dependance du Burundi au sectcur agri cole, I' agriculture ne s 'es! pas encore modernisee et continue it etre majorita irement une agriculture de subsistance, utilisant une technologic rudimentaire. Pour inverser la tendance. il fa ut developper des nouvelles techniques de production. ...
Manirakiza, D.
Hatungimana, H.
Njukwe, E.
[Performances de transfert des paquets technologiques en milieu rural: cas des ONGs locales]
Performances de transfert des paquets technologiques en milieu rural: cas des ONGs locales
The objectives of the diagnosis of bean production are to (1) contribute criteria for the design and completion of on-farm trials of the new bean technology and (2) to take information to research centers that helps define bean research priorities. A summary is presented of the methodology sugges...
Los objetivos del diagnostico de la produccion de frijol son 1) aportar criterios para diseno y ejecucion de ensayos de nueva tecnologia de frijol en fincas de agricultores y 2) llevar informacion a los centros de investigacion que ayude a definir prioridades de investigacion en frijol. Se presen...
Ruiz de Londoño, Norha
Pachico, Douglas H.
[Metodologia del diagnostico de la produccion de frijol]
Metodologia del diagnostico de la produccion de frijol
The concept and methodology used in the transfer of technology (TOT) have undergone changes over the years corresponding to farmers' needs, and as a result, farmer participatory TOT has become more relevant, especially in complex diversified risk-prone (CDR) farming systems. The TOT in cassava, w...
Ramanathan, S.
Anantharaman, M.
[Farmer participatory research in cassava technology transfer in India]
Farmer participatory research in cassava technology transfer in India
Experiences gained from past root crop extension activities made PRCRTC realize the importance of clienteles. Participation in technology development and transfer. PRCRTC is now trying to adopt a participatory approach in all cassava technology transfer activities. Results of some of these extens...
Gundaya, Editha A.
Evangelio, Fernando A.
[Farmers' participation in cassava technology transfer in the Philippines]
Farmers' participation in cassava technology transfer in the Philippines
Actual accomplishments and future plans of the CIAT Bean Program during the period 1986-90 are described. The major cropping systems studied include bush beans in monoculture; bush, semiclimbing, and climbing beans in relay systems with maize; bush beans in association with maize; and climbing be...
Se describen los progresos alcanzados hasta el momento y planes futuros del Programa de Frijol del CIAT en el periodo 1986-90. Los principales sistemas de cultivo de frijol estudiados incluyen frijol arbustivo en monocultivo; frijol arbustivo, semitrepador y trepador en relevo con maiz; frijol ar...
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[Research strategies and projections: 1986-1990. Commodity programs: Bean program]
Research strategies and projections: 1986-1990. Commodity programs: Bean program
En Costa Rica, el promedio del área sembrada de frijol en el período de 1986-96 fue de 55,765 ha., con una producción de 30,653 TM, para una productividad de 558.5 kg/ha y un consumo per cápita de 11.43 kg. Las dos principales zonas productoras son la Brunca (9,25" longitud O. 83,00" latitud N.) ...
Araya Villalobos, Rodolfo
[Sistema nacional de investigación de frijol en Costa Rica: Logros, dificultades y futuro]
Sistema nacional de investigación de frijol en Costa Rica: Logros, dificultades y futuro
The flow of germplasm from CIAT to national programs is described for the following regions: Central America and the Caribbean, Mexican highlands, Argentina, West Asia, and the Andean region (Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru). This flow is channeled through adaptation nurseries (VA), each country rece...
Se describe el flujo de germoplasma del CIAT hacia los programas nacionales para las siguientes regiones: America Central y el Caribe, tierras altas de Mexico, Argentina, Asia Occidental y la region andina (Colombia, Ecuador y Peru). Este flujo se canaliza a traves de los viveros de adaptacion (V...