Laos has vast surface water resources. However, in areas located far away from surface water sources or those that are prone to surface water scarcity, groundwater is gaining recognition as a valuable source of water for agricultural development. Households in Ekxang village on the Vientiane Plai...
Clement, C.
Vinckevleugel, J.
Pavelic, Paul
Xiong, K.
Valee, L.
Sotoukee, T.
Shivakoti, B. R.
Vongsathien, K.
[Community-managed groundwater irrigation on the Vientiane Plain of Lao PDR: planning, implementation and findings from a pilot trial]
Community-managed groundwater irrigation on the Vientiane Plain of Lao PDR: planning, implementation and findings from a pilot trial
Shah, Manisha
Verma, Shilp
[Reviving minor irrigation in Telangana: midterm assessment of Mission Kakatiya]
Reviving minor irrigation in Telangana: midterm assessment of Mission Kakatiya
Promising environmental mechanisms to control malaria are presently underutilized. Water level fluctuations to interrupt larval development have recently been studied and proposed as a low-impact malaria intervention in Ethiopia. One impediment to implementing such new environmental policies is t...
Reis, J.
Culver, T.B.
Block, Paul J.
[Evaluating the impact and uncertainty of reservoir operation for malaria control as the climate changes in Ethiopia]
Evaluating the impact and uncertainty of reservoir operation for malaria control as the climate changes in Ethiopia
Monitoring water stored in lakes and reservoirs is much needed in various countries for energy generation, food security and mitigating floods, among recurrent global issues. Natural and human-made open water bodies do not all have monitoring systems, this lack of regular information generates un...
Al-Agha, D.E.
Molle, Francois
El Baily, M.
El Desouqy, E.
El-Hassan, W.A.
[Spatial and temporal variability of water quality in the Nile delta]
Spatial and temporal variability of water quality in the Nile delta
Lacombe, Guillaume
Pavelic, Paul
McCartney, Matthew P.
McCartney, Matthew P.
Phommavong, K.
Viossanges, Mathieu
[Hydrological assessment of the Xe Champone and Beung Kiat Ngong wetlands [Final Project Report of the Climate Change Adaptation in Wetlands Areas (CAWA)]]
Hydrological assessment of the Xe Champone and Beung Kiat Ngong wetlands [Final Project Report of the Climate Change Adaptation in Wetlands Areas (CAWA)]
The impact of climate variability on groundwater storage has received limited attention despite widespread dependence on groundwater as a resource for drinking water, agriculture and industry. Here, we assess the climate anomalies that occurred over Southern Africa (SA) and East Africa, south of ...
Kolusu, S.R.
Shamsudduha, M.
Todd, Martin C.
Taylor, R.G.
Seddon, D.
Kashaigili, J.J.
Ebrahim, Girma Yimer
Cuthbert, M.O.
Sorensen, J.P.R.
Villholth, Karen G.
MacDonald, Alan M.
Macleod, D.A.
[The El Nino event of 2015-2016: climate anomalies and their impact on groundwater resources in East and Southern Africa]
The El Nino event of 2015-2016: climate anomalies and their impact on groundwater resources in East and Southern Africa
An integrated hydrogeological modelling approach applicable to hard-rock aquifers in semi-arid data-scarce Africa was developed using remote sensing, rainfall-runoff modelling, and a three-dimensional (3D) dynamic model. The integrated modelling approach was applied to the Hout catchment, Limpopo...
Ebrahim, Girma Yimer
Villholth, Karen G.
Boulos, M.
[Integrated hydrogeological modelling of hard-rock semi-arid terrain: supporting sustainable agricultural groundwater use in Hout catchment, Limpopo Province, South Africa]
Integrated hydrogeological modelling of hard-rock semi-arid terrain: supporting sustainable agricultural groundwater use in Hout catchment, Limpopo Province, South Africa
Reviving the Ganges Water Machine (GWM), coined 40 years ago, is the most opportune solution for mitigating the impacts of recurrent droughts and floods in the Ganges River Basin in South Asia. GWM create subsurface storage (SSS) by pumping more groundwater from the aquifers before the monsoon fo...
Surinaidu, L.
Muthuwatta, Lal P.
Amarasinghe, Upali A.
Jain, S.K.
Kumar, S.
Singh, S.
[Reviving the Ganges water machine: accelerating surface water and groundwater interactions in the Ramganga sub-basin]
Reviving the Ganges water machine: accelerating surface water and groundwater interactions in the Ramganga sub-basin