Recently, Latin American countries have had to face the challenges of improving social inclusion and economic redistribution while consolidating democratic institutions after long periods of authoritarian regimes in many of them. Addressing pressure for social inclusion was all the more difficult...
Fleury, Sonia
Faria, Mariana
Durán, Juanita
Sandoval, Hernán
Yanes, Pablo
Penchaszadeh, Víctor
Abramovich, Víctor
Right to health in Latin America: beyond universalization
Twelve years into the 21st Century, Caribbean countries continue to face considerable challenges on their path towards sustainable development and the creation of a post-2015 agenda. These include redefining their niche in the global market place in line with significant shifts in global producti...
This paper analyses the role that Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) have played in financing development in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) and what their role will be in support of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In a context where multilateralism is severely questioned, dono...
Artecona, Raquel
Bisogno, Marcelo
Fleiss, Pablo
Financing development in Latin America and the Caribbean: The role and perspectives of multilateral development banks
Este informe ofrece una revisión de 14 indicadores no-monetarios de pobreza para monitorear el progreso hacia el primer Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) “Erradicar la pobreza en todas sus formas y en todo el mundo”. Los indicadores revisados son: materiales de la vivienda, hacinamiento, te...
Santos, María Emma
Indicadores no monetarios para el seguimiento de las metas 1.2 y 1.4 de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible: estándares, disponibilidad, comparabilidad y calidad
Este documento busca servir como marco de referencia para orientar la elaboración de estrategias nacionales para el desarrollo de la bioeconomía. Con ese fin, se propone un marco estratégico fundado en cuatro pilares: la Agenda 2030; el Acuerdo de París sobre Cambio Climático y los compromisos de...
Rodríguez, Adrián G.
Rodrigues, Mônica dos Santos
Sotomayor Echenique, Octavio
Hacia una bioeconomía sostenible en América Latina y el Caribe: elementos para una visión regional
This study provides a comprehensive review and evaluation of the implementation of the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development in the Caribbean. The Montevideo Consensus was adopted by the governments of the region in 2013 and includes more than one hundred priority actions covering th...
Jones, Francis
Camarinhas, Catarina
Gény, Lydia Rosa
Implementation of the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development in the Caribbean: a review of the period 2013–2018
Flow-of-funds accounting permit to monitor the financial sector in terms of flows and stocks and to analyze its relationship with the real sector. These show inter-sectoral financial flows, capture balance sheet positions and all financial transactions by instrument, type and economic sector. In...
This paper examines the key elements of a framework for Caribbean growth and development over the medium-term. The paper notes that while the Caribbean has made major adjustments in a challenging global environment, marked by slower demand, it needs to pursue a new sustainable development framewo...
En Colombia los departamentos se han venido desarrollando a ritmos diferentes, logrando algunos aumentar su prosperidad económica y bienestar social, mientras otros se han mantenido rezagados. Dichas disparidades territoriales se mantienen. Los departamentos se desarrollan con estructuras y ritmo...