In the context of the wider debate on reduction of carbon emissions from tropical deforestation and forest degradation, this report reviews current tools and methodologies for the planning of emissions reductions projects across all land uses in a REALU (Reducing Emissions from All Land Uses) val...
Bernard F
Minang, Peter A.
Noordwijk, Meine van
[Review of current tools and methods for REDD+ and REALU value chains]
Review of current tools and methods for REDD+ and REALU value chains
The Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (the Commission), at its Tenth Regular Session, recommended that the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Commission contribute to further work on access and benefit-sharing, in order to ensure that it m...
Fujisaka, S.
Williams, D.
Halewood, Michael
[The impact of climate change on countries’ interdependence on genetic resources for food and agriculture]
The impact of climate change on countries’ interdependence on genetic resources for food and agriculture
Organic soils are defined in Chapter 3 Annex 3A.5 of Volume 4 of the 2006 IPCC Guidelines and Section 5, Chapter 1, section 5 of this Wetlands Supplement. The guidance in this Chapter applies to all inland organic soils
that have been drained, i.e., drainage of lands that started in the past and...
Drösler, M.
Verchot, Louis V.
Pan G
Freibauer, A.
Evans, C.D.
Bourbonniere RA
Alm JP
Page S
Agus, F.
Sabiham S
Wang C
Srivastava N
Borgeau-Chavez L
Couwenberg, J.
Hergoualc’h, Kristell
Hooijer, A.
Jauhiainen, J.
Minkkinen K
French N
Strand, T.
Sirin A
Mickler R
Tansey K
Larkin N
[Drained Inland Organic Soils]
Drained Inland Organic Soils
A significant proportion of developing countries have expressed an interest in greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation in the agriculture sector. However, compared to mitigation planning in some other sectors, progress with developing agricultural mitigation plans and the allocation of climate finance to...
Wilkes, Andreas
Tennigkeit, Timm
Solymosi K
[National planning for GHG mitigation in agriculture: a guidance document]
National planning for GHG mitigation in agriculture: a guidance document
El Nuevo paradigm de la agricultura climáticamente inteligente, cada vez más presente tanto en la literature científica como en los programas de desarrollo agrícola, promueve prácticas centradas en los pilares de la mejora de la seguridad alimentaria, la mitigación del cambio climático y la adapt...
Acosta Francés, M.
[Consideraciones de género en la agricultura y en la implementación y mantenimiento de prácticas climáticamente inteligentes: un caso de estudio en el Departamento del Cauca, Colombia. Tesis de Máster de Ciencias AgrisMundus]
Consideraciones de género en la agricultura y en la implementación y mantenimiento de prácticas climáticamente inteligentes: un caso de estudio en el Departamento del Cauca, Colombia. Tesis de Máster de Ciencias AgrisMundus
This paper addresses the interaction between the reinforcement of environmental laws and the stability of beneficiary families in agrarian reform settlements, in a context of increasing environmental concerns pressured by climate change. The study compares two modalities of land regulation in the...
Santos IV
Porro NM
Porro R
[Interventions to curb deforestation and stability in access to land: A comparative study between two land regulation modalities in the Transamazon region, Brazil]
Interventions to curb deforestation and stability in access to land: A comparative study between two land regulation modalities in the Transamazon region, Brazil
The workshop was conducted from 10-14 December, 2012 at the International Potato Center, Lima, Peru. It was jointly funded by the research programs on Roots, Tubers, and Banana (RTB) and on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS). The workshop successfully linked scientists from CG-...
Kroschel, J.
Beed, Fen D.
Garrett, K.A.
Coyne, D.
Etten, Jacob van
Forbes, G.
Herrera, B.
Kreuze J
Parsa S
Sparks, Adam H.
Tamo, M.
Subramanian S
Tonnang, Henri E.Z.
[Management of critical pests and diseases through enhanced risk assessment and surveillance and understanding climate impacts through enhanced modeling]
Management of critical pests and diseases through enhanced risk assessment and surveillance and understanding climate impacts through enhanced modeling
Mesoamérica, uno de los centros de domesticación y diversificación de cultivos de importancia mundial, alberga una enorme riqueza de recursos fitogenéticos. Como esta región también enfrentará desafíos sin precedentes, impuestos por el cambio climático, tiene en estos recursos fitogenéticos un me...
Ramírez, M.
Galluzzi, Gea
Zonneveld, M. van
Thomas E
Etten, Jacob van
Pinzon, S.
Beltran, M.
Alcázar, C.
Libreros D
Vay L
Solano W
Williams, D.
Maselli S
Quirós, W.
Alonso, Silvia
Remple N
[Plan de accion estrategico para fortalecer la conservacion y el uso de los recursos fittogeneticos mesoamericanos para la adaptacion de la agricultura al cambio climatico - PAEM 2014-2024]
Plan de accion estrategico para fortalecer la conservacion y el uso de los recursos fittogeneticos mesoamericanos para la adaptacion de la agricultura al cambio climatico - PAEM 2014-2024
The year 2012 saw the final phases of the reform process launched by the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). All the CGIAR Research Programmes (CRPs) became fully operational during the year and I believe our scientists are now confident about the direction in which...
World Agroforestry Centre
[Annual Report 2012-2013: transforming lives and landscapes with trees]
Annual Report 2012-2013: transforming lives and landscapes with trees
Cambodia s population and economy are highly vulnerable to climate change. Food security is already a major concern in Cambodia, where 25 percent of the population suffered from undernourishment in 2004-2005, a higher proportion than in neighboring Southeast Asian countries (Shicavone2010).1 Some...
Magnan N
Thomas, Timothy S.
[Food Security and Climate Change to 2050: Cambodia, A Policy Discussion Paper]
Food Security and Climate Change to 2050: Cambodia, A Policy Discussion Paper