Smallholder farmers in Africa are especially vulnerable to climate fluctuations and weather
extremes, and are expected to suffer disproportionately from climate change. Climate services
empower the poor particularly in climate-sensitive developing countries such as the ones in
Africa, and allow t...
Tesfaye, Abonesh
Hansen, James
Radeny, Maren A.O.
Solomon, Dawit
[Estimating the economic benefits of alternative options for investing in agricultural climate services in Africa: A review of methodologies]
Estimating the economic benefits of alternative options for investing in agricultural climate services in Africa: A review of methodologies
This document assesses the current state of practice for the representation of food security indicators in agricultural systems models and provides recommendations for improvements in both model formulation and the empirical evidence base underlying it. This assessment was based on a review of ex...
Nicholson, Charles F.
Stephens, Emma C
Jones, Andrew D.
Kopainsky, Birgit
Parsons, David
Garrett, James
[Setting priorities to address the research gaps between agricultural systems analysis and food security outcomes in low- and middle-income countries]
Setting priorities to address the research gaps between agricultural systems analysis and food security outcomes in low- and middle-income countries
This publication is the result of the International Conference held in Frankfurt, Germany 14-16 June 2011 organized in the framework of an International UN Project funded by IFAD “Reinforcing the resilience of poor rural communities in the face of food insecurity, poverty and climate change throu...
Padulosi, S.
Bergamini, N.
Lawrence, T.
Bioversity International
[On-farm conservation of neglected and underutilized species: status, trends and novel approaches to cope with climate change: Proceedings of an International Conference, Frankfurt, 14-16 June, 2011]
On-farm conservation of neglected and underutilized species: status, trends and novel approaches to cope with climate change: Proceedings of an International Conference, Frankfurt, 14-16 June, 2011
Bioversity International’s nutrition research over the past several years has focused on the role and impact of traditional foods on dietary diversity and livelihoods. The research agenda is being expanded under Bioversity’s 2011-2021 Nutrition Strategy to develop strong methodological and empiri...
Bioversity International
[Bioversity International nutrition strategy 2011-2021: Resilient food and nutrition systems: analyzing the role of agricultural biodiversity in enhancing human nutrition and health]
Bioversity International nutrition strategy 2011-2021: Resilient food and nutrition systems: analyzing the role of agricultural biodiversity in enhancing human nutrition and health
Este documento presenta la implementación de la “Guía Detallada sobre el uso de PICSA con agricultores”, articulada a los procesos ya desarrollados en el TeSAC de La Tuma - La Dalia en Nicaragua. Se realiza una síntesis de las actividades, resultados, y lecciones aprendidas, generando así la ruta...
This document presents the implementation of the "Work Guide on the use of PICSA with farmers", articulated in the processes already developed in the climate-smart village (CSV) of La Tuma - La Dalia in Nicaragua. A synthesis of the activities, the results, and the lessons learned is generated, t...
Giraldo Mendez, Diana Carolina
Aguilar, Amílcar
Toruño, Isabel
Quintero, Nelson José
Leguía, Efraín
[Implementación de Servicios Integrados Participativos de Clima para la Agricultura (PICSA) en el TESAC – El Tuma La Dalia Nicaragua]
Implementación de Servicios Integrados Participativos de Clima para la Agricultura (PICSA) en el TESAC – El Tuma La Dalia Nicaragua
This paper develops a conceptual framework with an indicator-based approach to assess Climate-Smart Villages (CSVs) and applies it to case study sites in Lao PDR (Ekxang CSV), Cambodia (Rohal Suong CSV), and Vietnam (Tra Hat CSV) in Southeast Asia. The intensification, extensification, diversific...
Ferrer, Alice J.
Yen, Bui Tan
Kura, Yumiko
Minh, Ngo Duc
Pavelic, Paul
Amjath-Babu, T.S.
Sebastian, Leocadio S.
[Analyzing farm household strategies for food security and climate resilience: The case of Climate-Smart Villages of Southeast Asia]
Analyzing farm household strategies for food security and climate resilience: The case of Climate-Smart Villages of Southeast Asia
Nine Latin American countries have identified silvopastoral practices—trees and livestock systems combined—as a key component of their Nationally Determined Contributions (Paris Climate Accord) or Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (Bali Action Plan). However, the climate change mitigation...
Aynekulu, Ermias
Suber, Marta
Zomer, Robert
Mboi, Damaris
Arango, Jacobo
Rosenstock, Todd
[Quantification of climate change mitigation benefits from expansion of silvopastoral systems: An analytical proof of concept for Colombia]
Quantification of climate change mitigation benefits from expansion of silvopastoral systems: An analytical proof of concept for Colombia
Rushton, Jonathan
Gilbert, W.
Coyne, L.
Thomas, L.
Pinchbeck, G.
Williams, N.
[Interactions between intensifying livestock production for food and nutrition security, and increased vulnerability to AMR and zoonoses]
Interactions between intensifying livestock production for food and nutrition security, and increased vulnerability to AMR and zoonoses
The increase in global consumption of animal source food (ASF) (by more than 40kg/person/year in the last 25 years) has driven livestock production systems in many countries towards intensification. This has significant consequences for land use. Identifying how best to navigate the trade-offs of...
Herrero, Mario T.
Mason-D’Croz, Daniel
Godde, Cécile M.
Palmer, Jeda
Thornton, Philip K.
Gill, Margaret
[Livestock, land and the environmental limits of animal source-food consumption]
Livestock, land and the environmental limits of animal source-food consumption
Livestock in Kenya, Ethiopia, and Uganda play an important role in food security, livelihoods, income, and gross domestic product (GDP). Livestock sector growth in response to growing demand for animal-sourced food requires policy guidance to avoid increasing livestock sector exposure to climate ...
Ashley, Laurie
[Climate and livestock policy coherence analysis in Kenya, Ethiopia and Uganda]
Climate and livestock policy coherence analysis in Kenya, Ethiopia and Uganda