Presents and discusses research results on feed resources, agroindustrial by-products utilisation, forage production, use of crop residues, dairy feeding systems, feeding strategies, introduction and adoption of improved forage technologies, nutritive value of different forages, effects of manage...
Dzowela, B.H.
Said, A.N.
Wendem-Agenehu, A.
Kategile, J.A.
[Utilization of research results on forage and agricultural by-product materials as animal feed resources in Africa. Proceedings of the first joint workshop]
Utilization of research results on forage and agricultural by-product materials as animal feed resources in Africa. Proceedings of the first joint workshop
L'analyse de la qualité microbiologique ont été réalisées sur les produits dérivés du manioc chikwangue, cossettes de manioc et farine de manioc au niveau du site de fabrication (Bas Congo et Bandundu) et dans les marchés de Kinshasa. Les analyses microbiologiques ont révélé la présence de la flo...
Mukandila, K.P.
Hell, K.
Hauser, S.
Lamboni, L.
Masimango, J.T.
[Qualité des produits dérivés du manioc prélevés au niveau des sites de fabrication et dans les marchés de Kinshasa, RD Congo]
Qualité des produits dérivés du manioc prélevés au niveau des sites de fabrication et dans les marchés de Kinshasa, RD Congo
Presents papers dealing with the use of crop residues as livestock feed in smallholder crop/livestock farming systems, and the role of plant breeding in maintaining or improving their nutritive value. Discusses factors limiting the nutritive value of crop residues, and the effect of genotype and...
Reed, Jess D.
Capper, Brian S.
Neate, Paul J.H.
[Plant breeding and the nutritive value of crop residues. Proceedings of a workshop]
Plant breeding and the nutritive value of crop residues. Proceedings of a workshop
Mainly deals with the utilization of crop residues, performance of animals fed crop residues, supplementation for crop residues, and analysis for nutritive value. Focuses on Tanzania, Kenya, Sudan, Egypt, Nigeria, Cameroon, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Senegal, Ethiopia & Mauritius.
Preston, Thomas R.
Nuwanyakpa, M.Y.
[Towards optimal feeding of agricultural byproducts to livestock in Africa. Proceedings of a workshop]
Towards optimal feeding of agricultural byproducts to livestock in Africa. Proceedings of a workshop
This report has been produced to provide a succinct overview of the global research activities on underutilized crops. It is aimed at policy-makers, funding agencies and research administrators but it is hoped that it will also be of use to the scientific community. The report results from a requ...
Williams, J.T.
Haq, N.
International Centre for Underutilized Crops
[Global research on underutilized crops: An assessment of current activities and proposals for enhanced cooperation]
Global research on underutilized crops: An assessment of current activities and proposals for enhanced cooperation
Presents results of studies on the utilization of agricultural by-products as livestock feeds in Africa. Discusses methods of estimating the nutritive value of fibre residues and feed legumes, feed intake and digestibility, prospects of utilizing urea-treated maize stover, agroindustrial by-produ...
Little, D.A.
Said, A.N.
[Utilization of agricultural by-products as livestock feeds in Africa. Proceedings of a workshop]
Utilization of agricultural by-products as livestock feeds in Africa. Proceedings of a workshop
This proceeding report is divided in three sessions. In the first session papers on African forage plant genetic resources in Zimbabwe, Botswana, Malawi and the PANESA region are presented. The second session discusses forage germplasm evaluation. In this session experiences of ILCA, Tanzania, Ma...
Dzowela, B.H.
[African forage plant genetic resources, evaluation of forage germplasm and extensive livestock production systems. Proceedings of the third PANESA workshop]
African forage plant genetic resources, evaluation of forage germplasm and extensive livestock production systems. Proceedings of the third PANESA workshop