With the concept climate-smart agriculture (CSA) being relatively new, there is a need to test
and develop practical and systematic methodologies and approaches for documenting and
evaluating CSA practices in the field. The implementation of CCAFS’ Climate-Smart
Villages (CSV) involves identifyin...
El presente reporte realiza una caracterización de las diferentes fincas ganaderas de la región Tuma-La Dalia a través de discusiones de grupos focales con productores, productoras y otros actores. Los impactos climáticos y ambientales se evaluaron con la herramienta CLEANED-X Excel, una herramie...
En una segunda instancia se realizó una evaluación preliminar de impacto, comparando impactos potenciales con las líneas base. Para efectos de este análisis, desarrollamos y agregamos un modelo que calcula los cambios en las reservas de carbono para diferentes componentes de los sistemas silvopas...
This report makes the characterization of the different livestock farms in the Tuma-La Dalia region through focus group discussions with producers and other actors. Climate and environmental impacts were evaluated with the CLEANED-X Excel tool, a rapid preliminary environmental impact assessment ...
van der Hoek, Rein
Mena, Martín
[Escenarios convencionales (BAU-Business as Usual) y Escenarios de Intensificación – TESAC-Sistemas Ganaderos]
Escenarios convencionales (BAU-Business as Usual) y Escenarios de Intensificación – TESAC-Sistemas Ganaderos
The climate-smart agriculture (CSA) concept reflects an ambition
to improve the integration of agriculture development and climate
responsiveness. CSA aims to achieve food security and broader
development goals under a changing climate and increasing food
demand. CSA initiatives can sustainably i...
The articles in this issue grapple with how climate-resilient approaches including climate-smart agriculture (CSA) can more effectively promote gender equality and women’s empowerment1. How can CSA be implemented in ways that improve the situation and empowerment of women as well as men. CSA has ...
Huyer, Sophia
Partey, Samuel T
[Weathering the storm or storming the norms? Moving gender equality forward in climate-resilient agriculture - Introduction to the Special Issue on Gender Equality in Climate-Smart Agriculture: Approaches and Opportunities]
Weathering the storm or storming the norms? Moving gender equality forward in climate-resilient agriculture - Introduction to the Special Issue on Gender Equality in Climate-Smart Agriculture: Approaches and Opportunities
Limitaciones técnicas, financieras y normativas hacen que la agroforestería y los sistemas basados en arboles (TBS) no sean visibles en los Inventarios Nacionales de Gases de Efecto Invernadero (INGEI) a pesar de que en muchos países han expresado voluntad politíca de promoverlos como medida de a...
Technical, financial and regulatory constraints mean that agroforestry and tree based systems (TBS) are not visible in National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (INGEI) despite the fact that in many countries they have expressed a political will to promote them as a climate change adaptation and mitiga...
Suber, Marta
Yepes Quintero, Adriana Patricia
Bohorquez Lozano, Viviana
Robiglio, Valentina
[Los árboles fuera del bosque en la NAMA forestal de Colombia. Elementos conceptuales para su contabilización]
Los árboles fuera del bosque en la NAMA forestal de Colombia. Elementos conceptuales para su contabilización
Bayala, Jules
[Capacitating Stakeholders in Using Climate Information for Enhanced Resilience in the Agricultural Sector in West Africa (CaSCIERA-TA). Final Technical Reports - All partners]
Capacitating Stakeholders in Using Climate Information for Enhanced Resilience in the Agricultural Sector in West Africa (CaSCIERA-TA). Final Technical Reports - All partners
The International Day of Rural Women (IDRW) celebrates the vital role that rural women play in the well-being and development of their communities. When it comes to agriculture and climate change, the specific needs of women are often overlooked when developing farming practices and technologies ...
Africa hosts approximately 33 million smallholder farms, which account for 80% of the continent's farming system. Subsistence farming systems face highly variable climatic conditions that threaten locally-adapted, low-input agriculture. For the near future, they are among the most seriously affec...
Mancini, C.
Kidane, Y.G.
Mengistu, D.K.
Pe, M.E.
Fadda, Carlo
Dell'Acqua, M.
[Which wheat for smallholder Ethiopian farmers? Joining traditional knowledge with metric phenotypes]
Which wheat for smallholder Ethiopian farmers? Joining traditional knowledge with metric phenotypes
Food loss and waste (FLW) reduce food available for consumption and increase the environmental burden of production. Reducing FLW increases agricultural and value-chain productivity and may reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with feeding the global population. Although studies of interven...
Galford, Gillian L.
Peña, Olivia
Sullivan, Amanda K
Nash, Julie
Gurwick, Noel
Pirolli, Gillian
Richards, Meryl
White, Julianna M.
Wollenberg, Eva K.
[Agricultural development addresses food loss and waste while reducing greenhouse gas emissions]
Agricultural development addresses food loss and waste while reducing greenhouse gas emissions