Nowadays, scientific projects require collaborative environments and powerful computing resources capable of handling huge quantities of data, which gives rise to e-Science. These requirements are evident in the need to optimise time and efforts in activities to do with health. When e-Science foc...
Maqueira Marín, Juan Manuel
Bruque Cámara, Sebastián
[Grid Information Technology as a New Technological Tool for e-Science, Healthcare and Life Science]
Grid Information Technology as a New Technological Tool for e-Science, Healthcare and Life Science
The present article analyses the active principle and drug sector in Brazil after 1990. It has five sections showing that, at that time, the government priority was to maintain economic stability to the detriment of strengthening national drug industry. The article analyses the actions implemente...
da Silva, Christian Luiz
Oliveira, Alexandre
[Brazilian Industry Policy After 1990: Focusing on the Pharmaceutical Industry]
Brazilian Industry Policy After 1990: Focusing on the Pharmaceutical Industry
Social demands related to native forest ecosystems are based on an efficient management, with a balance between conservation and timber production. This paper describes the industry adaptation to a biodiversity program with an alternative regeneration method. The proposed method leaves 30% of the...
Martínez Pastur, Guillermo J.
Lencinas, María Vanessa
Peri, Pablo
Moretto, Alicia
Cellini, Juan Manuel
Mormeneo, Inés
Vukasovic, Ricardo
[Harvesting Adaptation to Biodiversity Conservation in Sawmill Industry: Technology Innovation and Monitoring Program]
Harvesting Adaptation to Biodiversity Conservation in Sawmill Industry: Technology Innovation and Monitoring Program
Díaz-Pérez, Claudia del Carmen
Arechavala-Vargas, Ricardo
[Organizational Learning in Research and Development Centers in Developing Economies: The Influence of Institutional Contexts]
Organizational Learning in Research and Development Centers in Developing Economies: The Influence of Institutional Contexts
The aim of this article is to prove if a model exists in the nets of interorganizational cooperation that are formed in the technological areas where innovative companies center. For it there is analyzed the structure and the intensity or fortress of the links of the nets of cooperation in severa...
This article introduces RFID technology and the EPC Network and investigates their potential for B-to-B eCommerce supply chain management. Based on empirical data gathered from four tightly interrelated firms from three layers of a supply chain, several scenarios integrating RFID and the EPC Netw...
Fosso Wamba,Samuel
Lefebvre, Louis A.
Lefebvre, Elisabeth
[Integrating RFID Technology and EPC Network into a B2B Retail Supply Chain: A Step Toward Intelligent Business Processes]
Integrating RFID Technology and EPC Network into a B2B Retail Supply Chain: A Step Toward Intelligent Business Processes
The concept of innovation has evolved significantly over the last decade. It now appears that inherent successful innovation can be explained by the influence of the social networks and social capital. Originally based on tangible forms of capital and the necessity of technology pull and push, in...
Analiza la violencia y la drogadicción como dos amenazas para la educación de los jóvenes para la vida en ciudadanía. Las encuestas de opinión señalan hacia un aumento de la delincuencia y de la violencia de ésta. Esto viene generando manifestaciones de paranoia ciudadana que tiene consecuencias ...
Weinstein, José
[La educación formal frente a la violencia y las adicciones de los jóvenes]
La educación formal frente a la violencia y las adicciones de los jóvenes
Conclusión del libro en el libro Jóvenes en Chile y Europa. Gira en torno a tres ejes temáticos: la inserción laboral y ciudadana; la educación para el trabajo en Chile y en Bélgica; la escuela y los canales tradicionales de integración social y laboral. Un análisis transversal de estos tres ejes...
Investigación sobre el nivel de difusión y uso de la Ley de donaciones con fines eduacionales. Se seleccionó una muestra de escuelas en dos etapas: la primera, intencionada, entregó un total de 1.903 escuelas; la segunda etapa consistió en un muestreo aleatorio de 189 escuelas del total anterior....
Celedón, Francisca
[Encuesta Uso y Conocimiento de la Ley de Donaciones con Fines Educacionales a escuelas en las zonas urbanas de la Región Metropolitana]
Encuesta Uso y Conocimiento de la Ley de Donaciones con Fines Educacionales a escuelas en las zonas urbanas de la Región Metropolitana