This article reviews the policies for the tenure and management of non-state forests that have undergone fundamental changes in China since the early 1950s. Private ownership and household management that were dominant in 1950-55 gave way to collectivization in 1956. Collective management remaine...
Liu Dachang
[Tenure and management of non-state forests in China since 1950: a historical review]
Tenure and management of non-state forests in China since 1950: a historical review
Secondary forests form a major component of the forest types in the Central Himalayan region and in the north eastern hills of India. Deforestation in these areas is largely due to external pressures of timber extraction for industrial use. When large scale deforestation from outside the region i...
Ramakrishnan, P.S.
Kushwaha, S.P.S.
[Secondary forests of the Himalaya with emphasis on the north-eastern hill region of India]
Secondary forests of the Himalaya with emphasis on the north-eastern hill region of India
Swidden farming is the main agent of conversion of primary forests to secondary forests in the highlands of mainland Southeast Asia, but there is a deterioration and decline of the practice with land use intensification. The population growth in northern Thailand has forced lowland farmers practi...
Schmidt-Vogt, D.
[Secondary forests in swidden agriculture inthe highlands of Thailand]
Secondary forests in swidden agriculture inthe highlands of Thailand
Community forest management worldwide has involved diverse types and varying levels of success in social learning, yet little efforts has been made to analyze these experiences and link them to emerging social learning theory. This chapter is a synthesis of the contributions of the workshop parti...
Buck, L.
Wollenberg, Eva K.
Edmunds, D.
[Social learning in the collaborative management of community forests: lessons from the field]
Social learning in the collaborative management of community forests: lessons from the field
Forest decision-making is becoming more pluralistic. As the numbers of groups involved in forest decisions have increased, concern about how to accommodate multiple interests has similarly burgeoned. This article presents pluralism as a foundation for understanding how less powerful group's inter...
Wollenberg, Eva K.
Anderson, J.
Edmunds, D.
[Pluralism and the less powerful: accommodating multiple interests in local forest management]
Pluralism and the less powerful: accommodating multiple interests in local forest management
Over 70 years of familiarity with cocoa agroforests enables farmers of southern Cameroon to obtain food, medicinal plants and income from the ecosystem. Since 1994, social forestry activities in Cameroon have focused primarily on the idea of community forests. This approach is likely to encounter...
Sonwa, D.J.
Weise, S.F.
Tchatat, M.
Nkongmeneck, B.A.
Ndoye, O.
Gockowski, J.
[The role of cocoa agroforestry in rural and community forestry in southern Cameroon]
The role of cocoa agroforestry in rural and community forestry in southern Cameroon
Awang, S.A.
Widayanti, W.T.
Himmah, B.
Astuti, A.
Septiana, R.M.
Novenanto, A.
[Panduan pemberdayaan lembaga masyarakat desa hutan (LMDH)]
Panduan pemberdayaan lembaga masyarakat desa hutan (LMDH)
Beyond Timber: Certification and Management of Non-Timber Forest Products is a valuable contribution and a practical guide for communities, researchers, policy makers, and donors interested in assessing the value of investing time and effort in the still elaborate and costly process of gaining in...
Projects implemented as part of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) of the Kyoto Protocol will have the dual mandate of mitigating greenhouse gas emissions and contributing to sustainable development. Basic agreement on core elements was reached in 2001, including the decision to allow afforest...
Smith, J.
Scherr, Sara J.
[Forest carbon and local livelihoods: assessment of opportunities and policy recommendations]
Forest carbon and local livelihoods: assessment of opportunities and policy recommendations
Nawir, A.A.
[Program kemitraan hutan tanaman (outgrower scheme) dalam pembangunan HTI]
Program kemitraan hutan tanaman (outgrower scheme) dalam pembangunan HTI