Common bean, (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) generally grown as a subsistence crop for home consumption is fast becoming a commercial crop sold by farmers for income. The call for bean transformation comes at a time when the population is increasing and the demand for bean grains and bean products is at ...
Nchanji, Eileen Bogweh
[Bean transformation in Africa: where are we and where are we going?]
Bean transformation in Africa: where are we and where are we going?
The call for a bean transformative agenda is led by the Pan-African Bean Alliance (PABRA). It aims to position common bean as a commercial crop, though it is still grown for home consumption. They have designed and put in place gender sensitive interventions aimed at increasing women and youths a...
Nchanji, Eileen Bogweh
[The future of women and youths in the bean transformation agenda in Sub-Saharan Africa]
The future of women and youths in the bean transformation agenda in Sub-Saharan Africa
The socio-cultural, economic and political environment over time has shaped and is still re-shaping gender roles, participation, decision making and benefit sharing in farming households in Africa. The pictures below are a reflection of the labour division by women, men and youths on farm and at ...
Nchanji, Eileen Bogweh
[Pictorial snapshot of the different roles men and women play along the bean value chain in Africa]
Pictorial snapshot of the different roles men and women play along the bean value chain in Africa
The posters show how Photovoice can be used in upscaling climate-smart agriculture practices. These include the step-by-step process in conducting a Photovoice project, and the activities and key outcomes of the Photovoice projects conducted in Ma and My Loi CSVs in Vietnam.
Joven, Bernadette
Cleary, John
Bernardo, Eisen Bernard
[Photovoice in Climate-Smart Villages in Vietnam]
Photovoice in Climate-Smart Villages in Vietnam
Adjei-Nsiah, Samuel
Doe, E.
Bars, E.
Ampadu-Boakye, T.
Kanampiu, F.
[Public-private partnerships for sustainable supply of legume inputs in Northern Ghana]
Public-private partnerships for sustainable supply of legume inputs in Northern Ghana
Cassava brown streak (CBSD) and mosaic (CMD) diseases are the major cassava production constraints in the East African region. Efforts to control these diseases were initiated in northeastern Tanganyika in the 1930’s using conventional breeding methods. Despite these efforts, CBSD is spreading, t...
Masumba, E.
Merwe, A. van der
Myburg, Z.
Kapinga, F.
Kasele, S.
Kulembeka, H.P.
Mkamilo, G.S.
Rounsley, S.
Prochnik, S.
Kanju, E.
Ferguson, M.
[Mapping of QTL associated with resistance to Cassava Brown Streak and Mosaic Diseases in outcrossing cassava cultivars locally cultivated in Tanzania]
Mapping of QTL associated with resistance to Cassava Brown Streak and Mosaic Diseases in outcrossing cassava cultivars locally cultivated in Tanzania
Adie, Aberra
Bezabih, Melkamu
Lukuyu, Ben A.
Woldemeskel, Endalkachew
Thorne, Peter J.
[Scaling improved feed and forage technologies at selected ILRI‐SIMLESA project locations in Ethiopia and Tanzania]
Scaling improved feed and forage technologies at selected ILRI‐SIMLESA project locations in Ethiopia and Tanzania
Hundie, B.
Frimpong, S.
Mellon, S.
Rahman, H.
Larbi, Asamoah
Hoeschle-Zeledon, Irmgard
[Cost-benefit-analysis of Africa RISING technologies in Ghana]
Cost-benefit-analysis of Africa RISING technologies in Ghana
Kassa, S.
Gemechu, A.
[Central Cluster Partnership: Achievements, lessons and way forwards]
Central Cluster Partnership: Achievements, lessons and way forwards