Reduced tillage, permanent ground cover and crop diversification are the three core pillars of Conservation Agriculture (CA).We assess and compare on-farm effects of different practices related to the three pillars ofCA on maize yields under ENSO-driven rainfall variability in Kenya and Malawi. R...
Boillat, Sébastien
Jew, Eleanor KK
Steward, Peter
Speranza, Chinwe Ifejika
Whitfield, Stephen
Mkwambisi, David
Kiteme, Boniface
Wambugu, Grace
Burdekin, Oliver J
Dougill, Andrew J.
[Can smallholder farmers buffer rainfall variability through conservation agriculture? On-farm practices and maize yields in Kenya and Malawi]
Can smallholder farmers buffer rainfall variability through conservation agriculture? On-farm practices and maize yields in Kenya and Malawi
Efforts to increase agricultural productivity, adapt to climate change, and reduce the carbon footprint of agriculture are reflected in a growing interest in climate-smart agriculture (CSA). Specific indicators of productivity, adaptation and mitigation are commonly used in support of claims abou...
Arenas-Calle, Laura N.
Whitfield, Stephen
Challinor, Andrew J
[A Climate Smartness Index (CSI) Based on Greenhouse Gas Intensity and Water Productivity: Application to Irrigated Rice]
A Climate Smartness Index (CSI) Based on Greenhouse Gas Intensity and Water Productivity: Application to Irrigated Rice
The increasing frequency of climatic risks, such as flood, drought, heat and cold waves, is causing significant loss of farm productivity and income in agriculturally dependent communities. Timely availability of reliable information on weather conditions, agro-advisories, and market information ...
Gangopadhyay, Prasun K.
Khatri-Chhetri, Arun
Shirsath, Paresh B
Aggarwal, Pramod K.
[Spatial targeting of ICT-based weather and agro-advisory services for climate risk management in agriculture]
Spatial targeting of ICT-based weather and agro-advisory services for climate risk management in agriculture
This paper aims to better understand actors involved in the generation, translation, communication and governance of agricultural climate services and their networks in Ethiopia. To achieve these objectives, about 65 actor organizations were selected across seven regions and two city administrati...
Tesfaye, Abonesh
Hansen, James
Radeny, Maren A.O.
Belay, Sebsib
Solomon, Dawit
[Actor roles and networks in agricultural climate services in Ethiopia: a social network analysis]
Actor roles and networks in agricultural climate services in Ethiopia: a social network analysis
In recent years, increasing water and labor scarcity & production cost, decreasing farm profitability and climatechange-
induced variability are major challenges faced by the farmers of Indo-Gangetic Plains (IGP) in South Asia.
Conservation agriculture (CA) based best-bet crop management practice...
Parihar, Muli D
Parihar, Chiter M
Nanwal, Rajendra K
Singh, Aditya K
Jat, Shankar L.
Nayak, Harisankar S
Ghasal, Prakash C
Jewlia, Hem R
Choudhary, Mukesh
Jat, Mangi Lal
[Effect of different tillage and residue management practices on crop and water productivity and economics in maize (Zea mays) based rotations]
Effect of different tillage and residue management practices on crop and water productivity and economics in maize (Zea mays) based rotations
The limited availability of fresh water is a major constraint to agricultural productivity and livelihood security in many developing countries. Within the coming decades, smallholder farmers in drought-prone areas are expected to be increasingly confronted with local water scarcity problems, but...
Valencia, Jefferson
Monserrate, Fredy
Casteleyn, Sven
Bax, Vincent
Francesconi, Wendy
Quintero, Marcela
[A GIS-based methodological framework to identify superficial water sources and their corresponding conduction paths for gravity-driven irrigation systems in developing countries]
A GIS-based methodological framework to identify superficial water sources and their corresponding conduction paths for gravity-driven irrigation systems in developing countries
Assessment of temperature sensitivity of soil organic carbon (SOC) mineralization from soils of long-term precision conservation agriculture (CA) plots is essential to forecast soil C dynamics. Under CA, varying quantity of inorganic nutrient application had differential impact on SOC. At the sam...
Parihar, Chiter M
Singh, Aditya K
Jat, Shankar L.
Ghosh, Avjit
Dey, Abir
Nayak, Harisankar S
Parihar, Muli D
Parihar, Muli D
Mahala, Deep M
Yadav, Rajinder K
Rai, Vikash
Satayanaryana, Talatam
Jat, Mangi Lal
[Dependence of temperature sensitivity of soil organic carbon decomposition on nutrient management options under conservation agriculture in a subtropical Inceptisol]
Dependence of temperature sensitivity of soil organic carbon decomposition on nutrient management options under conservation agriculture in a subtropical Inceptisol
Intensive tillage based management practices are threatening soil quality and systems sustainability in the ricewheat belt of Northwest India. Furthermore, it is accentuated with puddling of soil, which disrupts soil aggregates. Conservation agriculture (CA) practices involving zero tillage, crop...
Jat, Hanuman S.
Datta, Ashim
Choudhary, Madhu
Yadav, Arvind Kumar
Choudhary, Vishu
Sharma, Parbodh C
Gathala, Mahesh Kumar
Jat, Mangi Lal
McDonald, Andrew
[Effects of tillage, crop establishment and diversification on soil organic carbon, aggregation, aggregate associated carbon and productivity in cereal systems of semi-arid Northwest India]
Effects of tillage, crop establishment and diversification on soil organic carbon, aggregation, aggregate associated carbon and productivity in cereal systems of semi-arid Northwest India
Conservation agriculture-based wheat production system (CAW) can serve as an ex ante measure to minimize loss due to climate risks, especially the extreme rainfall during the wheat production season in India. This study aims to examine whether farmers learn from their past experiences of ...
Aryal, Jeetendra Prakash
Jat, Mangi Lal
Sapkota, Tek B
Rahut, Dil Bahadur
Rai, Munmum
Jat, Hanuman S
Sharma, Parbodh C
Stirling, Clare M
[Learning adaptation to climate change from past climate extremes: Evidence from recent climate extremes in Haryana, India]
Learning adaptation to climate change from past climate extremes: Evidence from recent climate extremes in Haryana, India
Conservation agriculture (CA)-based best-bet crop management practices may increase crop and water productivity, while conserving and sustaining natural resources. We evaluated the performance of rainy season maize during 2014 under an ongoing long-term trial (established in 2008) with three till...