Agriculture in Kenya contributes to the national economy, food security, and employment of rural households. Climate change and weather variability affect agricultural production negatively and it is expected to worsen in the future. Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) practices present an opportunit...
The CSA profile for the Kyrgyz Republic was developed with funding from the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) (see
An estimated 18 to 37 billion tons of carbon could be sequestered in croplands globally over the next 20 years by implementing best practices for soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration (Zomer et al. 2017). In addition, more than 380 billion tons of carbon are at risk of loss from carbon dense pe...
This The Gambia country CSA profile provides a snapshot of a developing baseline created to initiate discussion, both within countries and globally, about entry points for investing in CSA at scale.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[Climate-Smart Agriculture in the Gambia]
Climate-Smart Agriculture in the Gambia
Crop and climate models predict how climate change will impact yields of various crops in different regions. However, it is difficult to predict the impact of climate change on individuals’ lives. Different groups and types of people experience the impacts of climate change differently depending ...
Kristjanson, Patricia M.
Bernier, Quinn
Bryan, Elisabeth
Ringler, Claudia
Meinzen-Dick, Ruth S.
Badiane Ndour, Ndèye Yacine
[Implications of gender-focused research in Senegal for farmer's adaption to climate change]
Implications of gender-focused research in Senegal for farmer's adaption to climate change
Johnston, Robyn M.
Try, T.
Silva, Sanjiv de
[Agricultural water management planning in Cambodia]
Agricultural water management planning in Cambodia
Against the backdrop of population increase, changing dietary patterns, increased affluence and rising demands on land for the generation of biofuels, agricultural productivity is required to increase significantly in the coming years. This increase will take place in a context of constrained res...
Dinesh, Dhanush
Olesen, Asger S
Richards, M
Guizani, Sara
Andersen, S.P.
[Agriculture Initiatives and COP22: A step towards fighting climate change]
Agriculture Initiatives and COP22: A step towards fighting climate change
Les modèles agricoles et climatiques sont capables de pré-dire l’impact du changement climatique sur les rende-ments de différentes récoltes dans diverses régions. Cet impact est toutefois difficile à prévoir sur la vie des indivi-dus. Chaque groupe ou type de personnes vivra différemment les con...
Kristjanson, Patricia M.
Bernier, Quinn
Bryan, Elisabeth
Ringler, Claudia
Meinzen-Dick, Ruth S.
Badiane Ndour, Ndèye Yacine
[Implications de la recherche centrée sur le genre au Sénégal pour l’adaptation au changement climatique]
Implications de la recherche centrée sur le genre au Sénégal pour l’adaptation au changement climatique
Reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and increasing soil or biomass carbon stocks are the main agricultural pathways to mitigate climate change. Scientific and policy attention has recently turned to evaluating the potential of practices that can increase soil carbon sequestration. Forty perce...
Hijbeek, Renske
Loon, Marloes P. van
Wollenberg, Eva K.
White, Julianna M.
Ittersum, Martin K. van
[Fertiliser use and soil carbon sequestration: Key messages for climate change mitigation strategies]
Fertiliser use and soil carbon sequestration: Key messages for climate change mitigation strategies
Kenya’s dairy processors have begun to invest in providing extension services to small holder dairy farmers in their own supply chains. Investment has positive returns for both processors and farmers.
Each processor is developing their own model of extension service delivery and financing that co...
Odhong’, Charles
Wilkes, Andreas
Dijk, Suzanne van
[Private-sector led extension in Kenya’s dairy sector]
Private-sector led extension in Kenya’s dairy sector