Los bancos de germoplasma del mundo contienen colecciones de recursos genéticos presentes en las especies cultivadas, para conservación a largo plazo y para facilitar que los fitomejoradores, investigadores y otros usuarios accedan a ellos con facilidad. En los últimos 25 años ha habido enormes p...
Hintum, T.J.L. van
Brown, A.H.D.
Spillane, C.
Hodgkin, T.
[Colecciones núcleo de recursos fitogenéticos]
Colecciones núcleo de recursos fitogenéticos
This technical bulletin reviews and synthesises participatory approaches and tools that are used when working with farmers and local communities in the conservation and use of plant genetic resources. It focuses on practical experiences of traditional farming communities in Asia, Africa and Latin...
Friis-Hansen, Esbern
Sthapit, B.
International Plant Genetic Resources Institute
[Participatory approaches to the conservation and use of plant genetic resources]
Participatory approaches to the conservation and use of plant genetic resources
This Guidebook comes with Genebank Management System Software User's Guide, a tutorial and reference guide for use with the Genebank Management System Software (GMS). This guidebook will assist users in making their own decision on the analysis, design, implementation and use of both manual and m...
Painting, K.A.
Perry, M.C.
Denning, R.A.
Ayad, W.G.
International Plant Genetic Resources Institute
[Guide de documentation des ressources génétiques: Méthode d'auto-formation pour la compréhension, l'analyse et l'utilisation de la documentation des ressources génétiques]
Guide de documentation des ressources génétiques: Méthode d'auto-formation pour la compréhension, l'analyse et l'utilisation de la documentation des ressources génétiques
This guidebook comes with Genebank Management System Software User's Guide, a tutorial and reference guide for use with the Genebank Management System Software (GMS). This guidebook will assist users in making their own decision on the analysis, design, implementation and use of both manual and m...
Painting, K.A.
Perry, M.C.
Denning, R.A.
Ayad, W.G.
International Plant Genetic Resources Institute
[Guidebook for genetic resources documentation: A self-teaching approach to the understanding, analysis and development of genetic resources documentation]
Guidebook for genetic resources documentation: A self-teaching approach to the understanding, analysis and development of genetic resources documentation
This Guidebook comes with Genebank Management System Software User's Guide, a tutorial and reference guide for use with the Genebank Management System Software (GMS). This guidebook will assist users in making their own decision on the analysis, design, implementation and use of both manual and m...
Painting, K.A.
Perry, M.C.
Denning, R.A.
Ayad, W.G.
International Plant Genetic Resources Institute
[Guia para la documentacion de recursos geneticos: Un enfoque autodidactico para la comprension, análisis y desarrollo de la documentacion de los recursos geneticos]
Guia para la documentacion de recursos geneticos: Un enfoque autodidactico para la comprension, análisis y desarrollo de la documentacion de los recursos geneticos
This publication describes cryopreservation methods developed for Musa tissue at KUL (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium) and JIRCAS (Japanese International Research Centre for Agricultural Sciences). Detailed protocols are given for all steps to follow from the preparation of the plant mate...
Panis, B.
Thinh, N.T.
International Network for the Improvement of Banana and Plantain
[Cryopreservation of Musa germplasm]
Cryopreservation of Musa germplasm
Santos, Luis Guillermo
Lima, Maria Celia
Torres González, Alba Marina
Velásquez, Helena
Debouck, Daniel G.
[Manual de Procedimientos del Banco de Germoplasma: Conservación de Semillas]
Manual de Procedimientos del Banco de Germoplasma: Conservación de Semillas
This guideline presents two protocols to produce embryogenic cell suspensions by using scalps or immature male flowers. The protocols have been developed by the Laboratory of Tropical Crop Improvement of Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KULeuven) and the cellular biology laboratory of the Centre d...
Srosse, H.
Domergue, R.
Panis, B.
Escalant, J-V.
Côte, F.
Vézina, A.
Picq, C.
International Network for the Improvement of Banana and Plantain
[Suspensiones de células embriogénicas de banano y plátano]
Suspensiones de células embriogénicas de banano y plátano
This manual is the first in a series of practical guides to suitable methods for processing and storing seeds in genebanks. It is aimed specifically at informing genebank personnel, especially those technicians and staff involved in day-to-day seed handling. (Reprinted 1988)
Hanson, J.
International Board for Plant Genetic Resources
[Procedures for handling seeds in genebanks]
Procedures for handling seeds in genebanks
This decision guide is intended to facilitate the development of optimum procedures for regeneration of seed germplasm. It deals with the timely identification of accessions with inadequate quality or quantity of seed, and considers the regeneration of those accessions to produce new seed of maxi...
Sackville Hamilton, N.R.
Chorlton, K.H.
[Regeneration of accessions in seed collections: A decision guide]
Regeneration of accessions in seed collections: A decision guide