Remarks from Manuel Flury, Director of Cooperation, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation in Ethiopia (representative of an ILRI founding institution) at the ILRI@40 Conference: Livestock-based options for sustainable food and nutritional security, economic well-being and healthy lives. IL...
Flury, M.
[ILRI 40 years remarks by Manuel Flury, Director of Cooperation, SDC, Ethiopia]
ILRI 40 years remarks by Manuel Flury, Director of Cooperation, SDC, Ethiopia
En Afrique de l’Ouest, comme dans la plupart des pays d’Afrique Sub-Sahélienne, les ressources naturelles constituent la base de la vie quotidienne des hommes, particulièrement pour les pauvres qui dans la majorité des cas vivent dans le milieu rural où leur moyens de subsistances dépendent presq...
Association Malienne d'éveil au Développement Durable
[Conventions locales de gestion des ressources naturelles: schema pastoral au sud du Mali]
Conventions locales de gestion des ressources naturelles: schema pastoral au sud du Mali
Sipasi Olalekan, CEO and founder of Protect Ozone Sustainable Livelihood Initiative, explains how they have developed a 50% water saving irrigation kit that can store up to 40 litres of water that can last for 1 week.
Olalekan, Sipasi
[Using local content initiative to upscale Climate Smart Agriculture in Nigeria]
Using local content initiative to upscale Climate Smart Agriculture in Nigeria
International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas
[International Women's Day 2014: Beza Dessalegn, International Development Specialist]
International Women's Day 2014: Beza Dessalegn, International Development Specialist
Agriculture is widely recognized as a key driver of inclusive and sustainable economic growth in Africa. The need to harness biosciences-based innovations to capitalize on agriculture’s potential underpinned the vision of the African Union’s New Partnership for Africa’s Development (AU/NEPAD) ini...
International Livestock Research Institute
[The BecA-ILRI Hub—An African centre for excellence in agricultural biosciences]
The BecA-ILRI Hub—An African centre for excellence in agricultural biosciences
El maíz debe a puntar a conventirse en cadena productiva. El trabajo estará enfocado a la genética y al manejo agronómico. Para ello se identifican los genotipos de alto rendimiento con adaptación a suelos ácidos y se definirán las prácticas agronómicas que permitan la mayor expresión de esos gen...
In this short clip from our Annual Program Review in Nairobi, Kenya, last week, CIAT forages scientist Brigitte Maas gives a quick overview of her work in Africa, and the potential of particular forage crops for improving guinea pig production, improving rural nutrition and incomes, and empowerin...
Puskur, Ranjitha
[Who will be the future livestock farmers? Is current research relevant to them?]
Who will be the future livestock farmers? Is current research relevant to them?
Hung Nguyen-Viet
[PigRisk project and lessons learned from the ACIAR John Dillon Fellowship in Australia in 2014]
PigRisk project and lessons learned from the ACIAR John Dillon Fellowship in Australia in 2014
Mohamed Said, Scientist, ILRI, at the side event, “Measuring and Evaluating Resilience in Drylands of East Africa.” IFPRI 2020 conference on Building Resilience for Food and Nutrition Security, May 15-17, 2014, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. More information ""
Said, Mohammed Yahya
[Mohamed Said on measuring resilience in drylands of East Africa]
Mohamed Said on measuring resilience in drylands of East Africa