The current study was conducted in Cameroon from July 1996 to June 1997. In general, it aims to describe the current structure of the Cameroon logging industry, assess its importance within Cameroon's economy, and analyse recent developement which the industry has experienced since the devaluatio...
Eba'a Atyi, R.
[Cameroon’s logging industry: structure, economic importance and effects of devaluation]
Cameroon’s logging industry: structure, economic importance and effects of devaluation
This paper outlines four key pillars of epidemiology and economics in national animal disease control; prioritizing in animal disease control; the comparative advantage of Ethiopia in the leather industry; and gives some impressive figures including estimated production of hides and skins, employ...
Perry, Brian D.
[The impact and control of diseases and other damages constraining leather value chains]
The impact and control of diseases and other damages constraining leather value chains
Over recent years, there has been rapid development of the bamboo industry in China since reform and liberalisation, which have brought about a series of economic policies and regulations favourable to economic development. Between 1981 and 1993, the area covered by bamboo forests expanded at a r...
Zhong Maogong
Fu Maoyi
Belcher, B.
Ruiz Perez, M.
[Analysis of social economy and policies on production management systems: a case study on China’s bamboo industry]
Analysis of social economy and policies on production management systems: a case study on China’s bamboo industry
En la última década, la producción de gas y petróleo a partir de formaciones de esquisto han crecido exponencialmente en los Estados Unidos. Una historia breve de esta auténtica revolución podría fundamentarse en el hecho de que en la década de los 2000 los precios de estas fuentes energéticas su...
Bustillo, Inés
Artecona, Raquel
Makhoul, Isabel
Perrotti, Daniel E.
Energía y políticas públicas en los Estados Unidos: una relación virtuosa para el desarrollo de fuentes no convencionales
Trinidad and Tobago is heavily dependent on its oil and gas sector to support its economy and society. However, given the challenge of climate change, small economies of scale, and increased economic, social and environmental vulnerability, strategies are needed to ensure long-term sustainable de...
The Energy Division of the Ministry of Energy and Water Resources of Barbados developed a database that allows for analysis of energy efficiency indicators and the impact of policies on trends in these indicators for different sectors of the country. This data will form the baseline of the energy...
The Government of Saint Lucia continues to take a strategic approach to the development of the energy sector and to this end, in 2010 elaborated a comprehensive national energy policy. In 2018, the country also adopted its National Energy Transition Strategy, which is intended to chart the way fo...
En este documento se presentan estadísticas actualizadas a 2009 de la industria manufacturera y de la industria maquiladora de exportación de los países del Istmo Centroamericano. Los cuadros y los gráficos fueron elaborados por Martha Cordero, asistente de investigación de la Unidad de Comercio ...
Estudia los desafios y los recursos naturales de America Latina; las implicancias politicas; y la situacion actual y las perspectivas de la industria y del comercio minero-metalurgico. Presenta proposiciones de lineas generales y especificas de accion para aumentar el comercio regional de bienes ...
Bohomoletz, Miguel de L.
Posibilidades de aumentar el comercio regional de bienes de minerales metálicos y de metales = Possibilities for increasing regional trade in metallic minerals and metals