Cuatomary tenure, mingled with state law and occasional private titling, continue predominantly to govern African rural and forest lands. This is in spite of evolutionist theories that predicted its demise and colonial and post-colonial policies that tried actively to accelerate it. The chapter d...
Diaw, C.
[Modern economic theory and the challenge of embedded tenure institutions: African attempts to reform local forest policies]
Modern economic theory and the challenge of embedded tenure institutions: African attempts to reform local forest policies
This paper examines the interactions between state-led land reform, agrarian structures, and deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon. Land reform tends to promote land redistribution through regularization of smallholder land invasions of large-scale landholdings, and by redistribution of public la...
Pacheco, P.
[Agrarian reform in the Brazilian Amazon: its implications for land distribution and deforestation]
Agrarian reform in the Brazilian Amazon: its implications for land distribution and deforestation
Since the influential Stern Review on the economics of climate change (Stern 2006), many have seen avoiding deforestation of tropical forests as arguably the fastest way and cheaper to mitigate climate change. The idea is that the richest countries - which were the largest emitters of greenhouse ...
Kajian ini menganalisis pengalaman Indonesia dalam mengelola Dana Reboisasi (DR) dan meneliti sejumlah implikasinya bagi REDD+. Dana Reboisasi yang dibentuk pada tahun 1989 merupakan pendanaan hutan nasional yang dibayarkan oleh setiap pemegang Hak Pengusahaan Hutan berdasarkan volume kayu yang d...
Barr, C.
Dermawan, A.
Purnomo, H.
Komarudin, H.
[Tata kelola keuangan dan dana reboisasi selama periode Soeharto dan pasca Soeharto, 1989-2009: suatu analisis ekonomi politik tentang pembelajaran untuk REDD+]
Tata kelola keuangan dan dana reboisasi selama periode Soeharto dan pasca Soeharto, 1989-2009: suatu analisis ekonomi politik tentang pembelajaran untuk REDD+
The briefing paper creates an awareness platform focusing on Kenya's rangelands that are undergoing a fundamental transformation in land use from nomadic, transhumant pastoralism to a more sedentary agro-pastoralism. Current conservation policy in Kenya, as evidenced by the new Wildlife Act
Norton-Griffiths, M.
Said, Mohammed Yahya
[The future for wildlife on Kenya’s rangelands: an economic perspective]
The future for wildlife on Kenya’s rangelands: an economic perspective
Input/output data from tree growing experiments in Southeast Asia were analysed within the framework of a model of a smallholder farm. Data on cropping were obtained from surveys of farmers. Prior to formulating a whole farm model, this input/output data were modified in two ways: (a) a yield pen...
Menz, K.M.
Grist, P.
[Economic opportunities for smallholders to combine pulpwood trees and food crops]
Economic opportunities for smallholders to combine pulpwood trees and food crops
Numerous published economic models of tropical deforestation are reviewed, in four categories: - a Neo-Malthusian approach, often nebulous and imprecise in terms of causal processes, which sees population pressure as the underlying cause of tropical deforestation; - those focusing on government f...
This book is about the impacts of China's reforms on the forestry sector of its economy. This chapter introduces the objective of this book which is to examine the experience of China's forestry sector with respect to the full set of forest and nonforest policy reforms introduced since 1978 and f...
De nombreuses organisations font la promotion des produits forestiers non ligneux (Pfnl) en Afrique centrale afin d'améliorer la gestion de la forêt et de contribuer à l'élévation des niveaux de vie en milieu rural. Trois sites ont été retenus dans la zone méridionale du Cameroun pour analyser l'...
Lescuyer, G.
[Importance économique des produits forestiers non ligneux dans quelques villages du Sud-Cameroun]
Importance économique des produits forestiers non ligneux dans quelques villages du Sud-Cameroun