Global deforestation and forest degradation rates have a significant impact on the accumulation of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the atmosphere. The Food and Agriculture Organization estimated that during the 1990s 16.1 million hectares per year were affected by deforestation, most of them in the tro...
Schlamadinger, B.
Ciccarese, L.
Dutschke, M.
Fearnside, P.M.
Brown, S.
Murdiyarso, Daniel
[Should we include avoidance of deforestation in the international response to climate change?]
Should we include avoidance of deforestation in the international response to climate change?
Wollenberg, Eva K.
[Methods for assessing the conservation and development of forest products: what we know and what we have yet to learn]
Methods for assessing the conservation and development of forest products: what we know and what we have yet to learn
Pokorny, B.
Cayres, G.
Nunes, W.
[Testing the limits of criteria and indicators in the Brazilian Amazon]
Testing the limits of criteria and indicators in the Brazilian Amazon
Gender and human diversity are critical aspects of sustainable forest management and human well-being. This chapter draws on experiences of a criteria and indicators (human well-being assessment) methods test in Kalimantan, Indonesia, to explore these concepts, and gender and diversity analysis i...
McDougall, C.
[Gender and diversity in assessing sustainable forest management and human well-being: reflections on assessment methods tests conducted in Bulungan, East Kalimantan, Indonesia]
Gender and diversity in assessing sustainable forest management and human well-being: reflections on assessment methods tests conducted in Bulungan, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
This chapter reports the results of research in West Kalimantan, Indonesia, originally designed to assess quickly and easily the level and nature of participation by local people in forest management. The authors briefly describe pertinent results from their assessment methods. Although the funct...
Colfer, C.J.P.
Wadley, R.L.
[From "participation" to "rights and responsibilities" in forest management: workable methods and unworkable assumptions in West Kalimantan, Indonesia]
From "participation" to "rights and responsibilities" in forest management: workable methods and unworkable assumptions in West Kalimantan, Indonesia
This chapter makes use of data from research conducted in 1996 in and around Danau Sentarum Wildlife Reserve in West Kalimantan, Indonesia. Its initial purpose was to contribute to the development of principles, criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management. The particular topic inves...
Colfer, C.J.P.
Wadley, R.L.
Harwell, E.
Prabhu, R.
[Assessing intergenerational access to resources: using criteria and indicators in West Kalimantan, Indonesia]
Assessing intergenerational access to resources: using criteria and indicators in West Kalimantan, Indonesia
Harvesting operations in timber concessions have traditionally followed strategies related to enterprises' capacity in terms of available equipment and financing, industrial integration, commercialization of more species, physical accessibility to the concession, and quality of human resources, a...
Colan, V.
Catpo, J.
Sabogal, C.
[Evaluación de daños y residuos resultantes de las operaciones de aprovechamiento en seis concesiones forestales en la Región Ucayali, Amazonía Peruana]
Evaluación de daños y residuos resultantes de las operaciones de aprovechamiento en seis concesiones forestales en la Región Ucayali, Amazonía Peruana
Colan, V.
Sabogal, C.
Catpo, J.
[Manual de campo para la evaluación del impacto de las operaciones de aprovechamiento en concesiones forestales con fines maderables en la Amazonía Peruana]
Manual de campo para la evaluación del impacto de las operaciones de aprovechamiento en concesiones forestales con fines maderables en la Amazonía Peruana