CIATs collection of promising bean lines was evaluated over a 2- mo period for resistance to web blight (Rhizoctonia microsclerotia) on a highly infested soil in Esparza, Costa Rica, where conditions are very favorable for the development of this disease. A scale of 1-5 was used, based on the per...
Mora, BE
Gálvez E., Guillermo E.
[Evaluacion de variedades promisorias de frijol (P. vulgaris) a la incidencia de "telarana" o "mustia"]
Evaluacion de variedades promisorias de frijol (P. vulgaris) a la incidencia de "telarana" o "mustia"
The low cassava yields obtained in L.A. at present are the result of a complex of problems: 1) deficient quality of planting material, which results in low sprouting, poor rooting and little initial vigor; 2) inadequate land preparation and planting systems; 3) control systems for pests and disea...
Leihner, D.E.
Castro Merino, A.
[Practicas sencillas para aumentar el rendimiento del cultivo de la yuca (Manihot esculenta Crantz)]
Practicas sencillas para aumentar el rendimiento del cultivo de la yuca (Manihot esculenta Crantz)
The work done by CIAT`s bean breeding program has as its basic objective the production of bean populations and lines with high yielding potential. With a germplasm bank consisting of 9,413 introductions of P. vulgaris at present, it has been possible to conduct adaptation studies under 4 differe...
Robledo, A
Hernández Bravo, Guillermo
[Proceso del programa de fitomejoramiento de frijol, Phaseolus vulgaris, en CIAT]
Proceso del programa de fitomejoramiento de frijol, Phaseolus vulgaris, en CIAT
A yield trial with 25 black bean varieties was carried out on the CIAT experimental farm (Palmira, Colombia) to ascertain the efficiency and accuracy of a 5 x 5 lattice design with different no. of replications (2-6) and plot sizes (1, 2, 4 and 6 rows/plot with 1.5, 3.0, 6.0 and 9.0 m(2) areas, r...
Amézquita, María Cristina
Muñoz, J.E.
Voysest Voysest, Oswaldo
[Eficiencia y precision del diseno en latices bajo distinto numero de repeticiones y tamano de parcela en ensayos de rendimiento de frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)]
Eficiencia y precision del diseno en latices bajo distinto numero de repeticiones y tamano de parcela en ensayos de rendimiento de frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
Current methodologies and selection criteria used to screen and adapt var. for intercropping systems, especially beans/maize associations, in the tropics are reviewed. The overall importance of intercropping systems in the tropics is discussed as well as general plant characteristics useful for t...
Francis, C.A.
Flor Montoya, Carlos A.
Temple, Steven R.
[Adapting varieties for intercropped systems in the tropics]
Adapting varieties for intercropped systems in the tropics
Using the data generated by VEF (vivero equipo de frijol) and EP (ensayo preliminar de rendimiento) nurseries during 1979-86, the progress of the CIAT Bean Program during this 8-yr period of plant breeding effort is described in terms of the production of disease resistant lines and the attainmen...
Amézquita, María Cristina
Voysest Voysest, Oswaldo
[Progress in disease resistance and yield potential: an analysis of VEF - EP Nurseries (1979 - 1986)]
Progress in disease resistance and yield potential: an analysis of VEF - EP Nurseries (1979 - 1986)
The concepts of adaptability and stability and their relative importance in beans are defined as well as the different methods used to measure them. Based on data submitted by the International Bean Yield and Adaptation Nursery (IBYAN) for 1976, different stability values were calculated using 3 ...
Laing, DR
[Adaptabilidad y estabilidad en el comportamiento de plantas de frijol comun]
Adaptabilidad y estabilidad en el comportamiento de plantas de frijol comun
The simultaneous effect that lateral and end border rows may have on yield was studied in experimental plots at CIAT (Palmira, Colombia), using 25 black bean varieties in a 5 x 5 balanced lattice design with 6 replications. Plots measured 12 m(2) (6 rows, 4 m long). Unharvested end rows measured ...
Muñoz, J.E.
Amézquita, María Cristina
Voysest Voysest, Oswaldo
[Efecto de bordes en ensayos de rendimiento en frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)]
Efecto de bordes en ensayos de rendimiento en frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
Thung, M
Erazo, O
[Estudio comparativo del comportamiento y adaptacion de veinte lineas avanzadas del frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) a tres diferentes sistemas de cultivo]
Estudio comparativo del comportamiento y adaptacion de veinte lineas avanzadas del frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) a tres diferentes sistemas de cultivo