The main activity consisted of climatic data base validation and error correction. A sensitive technique of error detection was developed, based on the relative amplitudes of the high and low frequencies of the Fourier transform. The Bean Program desired to obtain a characterization and listing o...
La actividad principal se oriento a la validacion de la informacion climatica basica y a la correccion de errores; se desarrollo una tecnica sensitiva para detectar errores sobre la base de las amplitudes relativas de las frecuencias alta y baja del transformador Fourier. El programa deseaba obte...
Common blight (Xanthomonas phaseoli) and fuscous bright (Xanthomonas phaseoli var. fuscans) are the major bacterial diseases of beans. The 2 organisms are found frequently in association and are present in numerous bean production regions of the world. High temp and RH are favorable conditions fo...
Las principales enfermedades bacterianas del frijol son el anublo comun (Xanthomonas phaseoli) y el anublo fusco (X. phaseoli var. fuscans). Los 2 organismos se encuentran con frecuencia en asociacion y se hallan presentes en numerosas regiones productoras de frijol en el mundo. La temp y la hume...
Common blight (Xanthomonas phaseoli) and fuscous bright (Xanthomonas phaseoli var. fuscans) are the major bacterial diseases of beans. The 2 organisms are found frequently in association and are present in numerous bean production regions of the world. High temp and RH are favorable conditions fo...
Las principales enfermedades bacterianas del frijol son el anublo comun (Xanthomonas phaseoli) y el anublo fusco (X. phaseoli var. fuscans). Los 2 organismos se encuentran con frecuencia en asociacion y se hallan presentes en numerosas regiones productoras de frijol en el mundo. La temp y la hume...
A new technological approach in crop production is required in order to increase a sustainable food production, it keeping the agroecosystem balance. A new approach to do agriculture needs taking advantage of the inter and multidisciplinary participation of different specialities in emergent area...
La producción sostenida de cultivos requiere de un nuevo enfoque tecnológico, tal que, permita incrementar la producción de alimentos sin alterar sustancialmente el agroecosistema. Este nuevo enfoque de hacer agricultura debe estar basado en la participación inter y multidisciplinaria de diferent...
Pedroza Sandoval, Aurelio
[Plant disease epidemiology: A quantitative approach on phytopathology = Epidemiología agrícola: Un enfoque cuantitativo de la fitopatología]
Plant disease epidemiology: A quantitative approach on phytopathology = Epidemiología agrícola: Un enfoque cuantitativo de la fitopatología
The genus Staphylococcus currently comprises more than 50 species. These small, hardy bacteria are normal inhabitants of the skin and mucous membrane in many animal species including humans; they are also ubiquitous in the environment. However, Staphylococcus aureus is also an important pathogen ...
The Ipomovirus genus in the family Potyviridae contains five species: Sweet potato mild mottle virus (SPMMV), Squash vein yellowing virus (SqVYV), Cucumber vein yellowing virus (CVYV), Cassava brown streak virus (CBSV), and Ugandan cassava brown streak virus (UCBSV). Sequencing and analysis of To...