Los bancos comunitarios de semillas aparecieron por primera vez hacia finales de la decada de 1980 y fueron establecidos con el apoyo de organizaciones no gubernamentales internacionales y nacionales. Este libro es el primero en proporcionar una revision global de su desarrollo e incluye un ampli...
Vernooy, Ronnie
Shrestha, P.
Sthapit, B.R.
Ramírez, M.
[Bancos comunitarios de semillas: origenes, evolucion y perspectivas]
Bancos comunitarios de semillas: origenes, evolucion y perspectivas
Lynam, John K.
Byerlee, Derek
[Forever pioneers – CIAT: 50 years contributing to a sustainable food future… and counting]
Forever pioneers – CIAT: 50 years contributing to a sustainable food future… and counting
The monograph presents studies of over forty years of research on the origin and development of domestic animals of Africa. It discusses the dog, cattle and buffalo of Africa. Each chapter opens with a survey of the wild species from which the domestic may have descended, followed by extensive de...
Esquisse sur la selection animale et le croisement entre la race West-African Shorthorn et la race N'dama au Ghana en vue de la diffusion d'un grand nombre de males susceptibles de lever le potentiel genetique du troupeau national.
Capitaine, P.
[Projet de development de l'elevage au Ghana. Etudes de factibilite de quatre ranches. Etude zootechnique]
Projet de development de l'elevage au Ghana. Etudes de factibilite de quatre ranches. Etude zootechnique
Despite being highly studied, the evolutionary relationships in the Oryza genus have remained inconsistent and inconclusive. The origin and domestication history of Asian rice has particularly remained contentious. This chapter discusses the evolutionary relationships between various species in t...
Wambugu P.W.
Nyamongo D.
Ndjiondjop, M.N.
Henry R.J.
[Evolutionary Relationships Among the Oryza Species]
Evolutionary Relationships Among the Oryza Species
Lynam, John K.
Byerlee, Derek
[Siempre pioneros – CIAT: 50 años contribuyendo a la sostenibilidad alimentaria futura.]
Siempre pioneros – CIAT: 50 años contribuyendo a la sostenibilidad alimentaria futura.