Tropical peatlands are known not only for their high, area-based, carbon emissions in response to land-use change but also as hot spots of debate about associated data uncertainties. Perspectives are still evolving on factors underlying the variability and uncertainty. Debate includes the ways of...
Noordwijk, Meine van
Matthews R
Agus, F.
Farmer J
Verchot, Louis V.
Hergoualc’h, Kristell
Persch S
Tata HL
Lusiana B
Widayati A
Dewi, S.
[Mud, muddle and models in the knowledge value chain to action on tropical peatland issues]
Mud, muddle and models in the knowledge value chain to action on tropical peatland issues
The REDD-ALERT (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation from Alternative Land Uses in the Rainforests of the Tropics) project started in 2009 and finished in 2012, and had the aim of evaluating mechanisms that translate international-level agreements into instruments that would help...
Matthews RB
Noordwijk, Meine van
Lambin E
Meyfroidt P
Gupta J
Verchot, Louis V.
Hergoualc’h, Kristell
Veldkamp, E.
[Implementing REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation): evidence on governance, evaluation and impacts from the REDD-ALERT project]
Implementing REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation): evidence on governance, evaluation and impacts from the REDD-ALERT project
A case study from the central extensive peatland sections of the Middle Mahakam Area, East Kalimantan, is used to depic how local use of fire for agriculture extraction activities could be a major factor driving peatland transformation. Large-scale fires that occured in the area in 1982/83 and 19...
Chokkalingam, U.
Tacconi, L.
Ruchiat, Y.
[Fire use, peatland transformation and local livelihoods: a case of positive reinforcement]
Fire use, peatland transformation and local livelihoods: a case of positive reinforcement
While tropical peat swamps can present very large stocks, the threat of greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere is much lower. Given the current agreement for activities to be conducted through the Clean Development Mechanism (afforestation and reforestation only), it seems there is little opp...
MacDicken, K.G.
[Cash for tropical peat: land use change and forestry projects for climate change mitigation]
Cash for tropical peat: land use change and forestry projects for climate change mitigation
Chokkalingam, U.
Suyanto, S.
Permana, R.P.
Kurniawan, I.
Mannes, J.
Darmawan, A.
Khususiyah, N.
Susanto, R.S.
[Pengelolaan api, perubahan sumberdaya alam dan pengaruhnya terhadap kehidupan masyarakat di areal rawa/gambut-Sumatera bagian selatan]
Pengelolaan api, perubahan sumberdaya alam dan pengaruhnya terhadap kehidupan masyarakat di areal rawa/gambut-Sumatera bagian selatan
Large-scale, recurrent fires in Indonesia in recent decades have caused widespread deforestation and transformation of peatlands, and have contributed to substantial smoke haze and greenhouse-gas pollution. In some areas, local community use of fire for livelihood needs could be a major factor be...
Chokkalingam, U.
Kurniawan, I.
Ruchiat, Y.
[Fire, livelihoods, and environmental change in the middle Mahakam peatlands, East Kalimantan]
Fire, livelihoods, and environmental change in the middle Mahakam peatlands, East Kalimantan
United Nations Environment Programme
[4/16 - حفظ أراضي الخث وإدا رتها المستدامة - قرار اتخذته جمعية الأمم المتحدة للبيئة في 15 آذار/مارس 201, 4/16. 泥炭地的养护和可持续管理 - 联合国环境大会2019 年3 月15 日通过的决议, 4/16. Conservation et gestion durable des tourbières - Résolution adoptée par l’Assemblée des Nations Unies pour l’environnement le 15 mars 2019, 4/16. Сохранение и рациональное регулирование торфяников - Резолюция, принятая Ассамблеей Организации Объединенных Наций по окружающей среде 15 марта 2019 года, Resolution 4/16. Conservación y gestión sostenible de las turberas - Resolución adoptada por la Asamblea de Naciones Unidas sobre el Medio Ambiente el 15 de marzo de 2019]
[Resolution 4/16. Conservation and Sustainable Management of Peatlands - Resolution adopted by the United Nations Environment Assembly on 15 March 2019]
Resolution 4/16. Conservation and Sustainable Management of Peatlands - Resolution adopted by the United Nations Environment Assembly on 15 March 2019
Tropical peat swamp forests, which are predominantly located in Southeast Asia (SEA) and play a prominent role as a global carbon store, are being intensively degraded and converted to agricultural lands and tree plantations. For national inventories, updated estimates of peat emissions of greenh...
Hergoualc’h, Kristell
Verchot, Louis V.
[Greenhouse gas emission factors for land use and land-use change in Southeast Asian peatlands]
Greenhouse gas emission factors for land use and land-use change in Southeast Asian peatlands
We test the applicability of two different methods for quantifying carbon (C) stocks in five tropical peat sites in Sumatra, Indonesia; two in an intact peat swamp forest, one in a logged forest and two in an oil palm plantation. Elemental analysis is used to quantify C contents and stocks in all...
Farmer J
Matthews R
Smith, Pete
Langan C
Hergoualc’h, Kristell
Verchot, Louis V.
Smith, J.U.
[Comparison of methods for quantifying soil carbon in tropical peats]
Comparison of methods for quantifying soil carbon in tropical peats
Frolking, S.
Talbot, J
Subin, Z.M.
[Exploring the relationship between peatland net carbon balance and apparent carbon accumulation rate at century to millennial time scales]
Exploring the relationship between peatland net carbon balance and apparent carbon accumulation rate at century to millennial time scales