This paper describes the general situation and the existing problems of the extension of new cassava varieties, agronomic practices as well as processing technologies under the conditions of highly intensive agriculture in China.
Cassava has been cultivated in China for over 170 years. Its produc...
Lin, Xiong
Li, Kaimian
[Methods and strategies for cassava technology transfer in China]
Methods and strategies for cassava technology transfer in China
In Vietnam, extension activities are considered by the government as an urgent and longterm measure, that has a great influence on the production process of farmer commodity production. Among extension objectives, cassava production is given great importance in those areas where appropriate condi...
Hoang, Kim
Tran, Van Son
Nguyen, Van Thang
Tran, Ngoc Quyen
Ao, Van Thinh
[On-farm research and transfer of technology for cassava production in Vietnam]
On-farm research and transfer of technology for cassava production in Vietnam
Improved cassava varieties have been widely disseminated to farmers in Lampung and this has resulted in substantial economic gains to both factories and farmers. But, considering that the rainfall distribution in Lampung province is not uniform and that there is a prolonged dry period about every...
Fauzan, Ir
Puspitorini, Palupi
[Effect of date of planting and rainfall distribution on the yield of five cassava varieties in Lampung, Indonesia]
Effect of date of planting and rainfall distribution on the yield of five cassava varieties in Lampung, Indonesia
Reyes A., César A.
Keller-Grein, Gerhard
Pérez, Ricardo C.
[Experiencia regional con Centrosema:Perú, Bolivia y Ecuador]
Experiencia regional con Centrosema:Perú, Bolivia y Ecuador
Châtel, Marc H.
Guimaraes, Elcio Perpétuo
Ospina Rey, Yolima
Borrero Correa, Jaime C.
[Utilización de acervos genéticos y poblaciones de arroz de secano que segregan para un gen de androesterilidad]
Utilización de acervos genéticos y poblaciones de arroz de secano que segregan para un gen de androesterilidad
Martínez Racines, César Pompilio
Lentini, Zaida
Châtel, Marc H.
González Tous, Daniel I.
Mojica Ortiz, Daniel
[Uso de selección recurrente en combinación con cultivo de anteras en el programa de arroz de riego del CIAT]
Uso de selección recurrente en combinación con cultivo de anteras en el programa de arroz de riego del CIAT
This paper presents information from a participatory breeding project initiated in 1997 at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) in collaboration with plant breeders and social scientists from six national agricultural research institutions located in eastern India. The Indira Gandhi A...
Maize production is the main source of livelihood for the farmers of the western hills of Nepal However, farmers have very limited access to improved varieties of maize, suitable to their local requirements. They cultivate a number of maize varieties maintained locally through continuous selectio...
Shrestha, Pratap K.
Subedi, Madu
Poudel, Diwakar
Sunwar, Sharmila
[Incorporating of users' and gender perspectives in farmer-led participatory plant breeding on maize: Experiences from the Western hills of Nepal]
Incorporating of users' and gender perspectives in farmer-led participatory plant breeding on maize: Experiences from the Western hills of Nepal
Maize (Zea mays L.) is the most important crop in the hill farming system in Nepal. It plays an important role in the livelihood of the people living in the hills. The hilly area of the Palpa, Gulmi, and Arghakhanchi districts extending towards Pyuthan and further west has a unique geophysical en...
Subedi, Madu
Shrestha, P.K.
Sunwar, Sharmila
Subedi, A.
[Role of farmers in setting breeding goals]
Role of farmers in setting breeding goals
Developing maize varieties that will be readily adopted by subsistence farmers is challenging as there are numerous characteristics in addition to agronomic performance that are important to these farmers. Furthermore, these preferences vary from location to location. it may be logical lo conclud...
Ransom, J.K.
Koirala, K.B.
Rajbhandari, N.
Adhikari, K.
[Involving farmers in the development process to improve adoption of varieties developed by National Maize-Breeding Programs]
Involving farmers in the development process to improve adoption of varieties developed by National Maize-Breeding Programs